Sunday, May 24, 2020
Understanding Different Interest Rates
There are a variety of different types of interest rates, but in order to understand these, one must first understand that an interest rate is a yearly price charged by a lender to a borrower in order for the borrower to obtain a loan, usually expressed as a percentage of the total amount loaned. Interest rates can either be nominal or real, though certain terms exist to define specific rates such as the Federal Funds Rate. The difference between nominal and real interest rates is that real interest rates are ones that are adjusted for inflation, whereas nominal interest rates are not; the interest rates one typically finds in the paper are nominal interest rates. The federal government of any given country can affect the interest rate, known in the United States as the Federal Funds Rate and in England as the Prime Rate. Understanding the Federal Funds Rate The Federal Funds Rate is defined as the interest rate at which U.S. banks lend to one another their excess reserves held on deposit at the United States Treasury Department, or the interest rate that banks charge each other for the use of Federal funds in general. Investopedia describes the Federal Funds Rate as the rate of interest banks charge other banks for lending them money from their reserve balances on an overnight basis. By law, banks must maintain a reserve equal to a certain percentage of their deposits in an account at a Federal Reserve bank. Any money in their reserve that exceeds the required level is available for lending to other banks that might have a shortfall. ï » ¿Essentially what this means for the average American is that when you hear that the Federal Treasury Chairman has raised interest rates, theyre talking about the Federal Funds Rate. In Canada, the counterpart to the Federal Funds rate is known as the overnight rate; the Bank of England refers to these rates as the base rate or the repo rate. Prime Rates and Short Rates The Prime Rate is defined as a rate of interest that serves as a benchmark for most other loans in a country. The precise definition of prime rate differs from country to country. In the United States, the prime rate is the interest rate banks charge to large corporations for short-term loans.​​ The prime rate is typically 2 to 3 percentage points higher than the Federal Funds rate. If the Federal Funds rate is at around 2.5%, then expect the prime rate to be around 5%. The short rate is an abbreviation for short-term interest rate; that is, the interest rate charged (usually in some particular market) for short-term loans. Those are the major interest rates you will see discussed in the newspaper. Most of the other interest rates you see will usually refer to an interest-bearing financial asset, such as a bond.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Generational Difference in the Attitude of Immigrants Essay
There are many factors that contribute to what attitude an immigrant is going to have on their newfound home. Some think the most important thing is their economic outlook, some their religious beliefs, but for most, it is as simple as when they were born. Out of any factor, the generational difference has the largest affect on the approach the immigrants have on their new country, which in many cases is the United States. The generational difference is the largest determining factor because of the impressionability of children, the established identity that the adults must change, and the attachment to the old country that is stronger in some than others. It cannot be said for sure that a certain generation is the â€Å"better†immigrant, but†¦show more content†¦When it comes to culture, the children are the first to adopt it. The new society and all it has to offer captivates them. Like Gogol and his sister, they want to eat all the food from America, they want all the new toys, and they want to be American. In Crossing Over by Ruben Martinez, the fancy shoes and clothes that come from America captivate many young Mexicans that cannot wait to go cross the border themselves. They want to be like the â€Å"migrant boys and their brand-new sneakers and cooler-than-cool beanies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (87). More so than adults, kids are mesmerized by a flashy society that has newer and better things to offer. Other than what the society has to offer, kids are often benefited by a more tolerant age. Many immigrants are treated poorly whether it be at the hand of racism or stereotypes. This can really turn people off the American society and taint the image of the average American. It is often said that kids are colorblind, and that very much holds true to different races, whether it be Asian, Latino, or African. Adults can face discrimination when it comes to the way they talk or dress, but children usually avoid this. Then, by the time they are adults, th ey have assimilated very well the American culture and blend right in. Adults usually have a harder time adjusting to the new culture. Many times, they simply do not want to have anything to do with a new culture because they already have an identity with the culture of their past home.Show MoreRelatedMy Cohort Of The United States997 Words  | 4 Pagesto understand our current generations and previous generations. Understanding generations’ differences can help us when serving the clients. Human service workers will be meeting clients not only from different cultures but also from different generation cohorts. Generation cohorts usually define as grouping people together who born 12-15 years apart and have common experiences. There are five generational cohort groupings: Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennial Generation (GenerationRead MoreEarly Generation Vietnamese Americans : An Investigation On Attitudes1749 Words  | 7 PagesHeritage Language Maintenance in Second-Generation Vietnamese Americans: an Investigation on Attitudes Chi Phan ERE220 Spring 2017 California State University, Fresno Lit ¬erature review This study investigates the attitudes of second-generation Vietnamese Americans towards Vietnamese language maintenance. The purpose of this literature review is (1) to describe the theoretical framework of the study and (2) to analyze and summarize current research on the problem of practice. In terms of the theoreticalRead MoreOvercoming Obstacles in a Diverse Workplace1241 Words  | 5 PagesUnited States were immigrants from other countries including Italy, Russia, and Ireland. Each of the members from these countries spoke different languages, came from different cultures, and had different customs and work ethics. Acceptance to them was fought for in the workplace in industries such as coal, steel, automobile manufacturing, and other labor forces. This type of struggle still continues today in the workplace from cultural differences, and language differences to racial and genderRead MoreGender And Academic Performance Among College Students1489 Words  | 6 Pagesassociated with more negative academic attitudes among Latino immigrant children who attended predominantly White schools and children who attended moderately diverse schools. However, there was no association between academic attitudes and teacher discrimination for children who attended predominan tly Latino schools. Also, at predominantly Latino schools that valued perceptions of discrimination, ethnic identity, and diversity had no relation to academic attitudes. Although at these schools childrenRead MoreThe Gap Between Generation Y And The Baby Boomer Generation1350 Words  | 6 PagesPsychology of Education at the University of South Africa. The article is titled â€Å"Bridging the communication gap between Generation Y and the Baby Boomer generation. The purpose of this research was to answer one key research question: â€Å"How can the generational communication gap between the Baby Boomer generation and Generation Y be closed in order to allow them to have meaningful interpersonal communication?†According to Venter (2016), meaningful communication between the Baby boomer generation andRead MoreDistinguishing Generation Gaps1537 Words  | 7 Pagesgaps There are several ways to make distinctions between generations. For example, names are given to major groups and each generation sets its own trends and has its own cultural impact. Language Use Generations can be distinguished by the differences in their language use. The generation gap has created a parallel gap in language that can be difficult to communicate across. This issue is one visible throughout society, creating complications within day to day communication at home, in the workRead MoreAll Kids Should Take Poverty 101935 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"In school, I did not know the middle-class life examples teachers used to explain academic subjects. I was unable to understand and speak in their middle-class language; I said â€Å"ain’t,†didn’t know whether to use â€Å"gone†or â€Å"went,†didn’t know a difference between â€Å"seen†or â€Å"saw†(Beegie,342).†Her middle class teacher could not relate to her and Beegle could not relate to her peers or teacher. The lack of knowledge between the two classes as well as barriers pushed Beegle to quit school. The middleRead MoreThe Migration Of Diaspora And Diaspora Studies Essay1727 Words  | 7 Pagesthe characters of the Indian origin and immigrants in the USA in The Namesake, the novel written by Jhumpa Lahiri. The Namesake makes it the best kind of ready reference to classify Diaspora as the term ‘Diaspora’ and its role in the present era, the life of first and second generation immigrants and their struggle for identity and belongingness are well articulated through the plot and characters. The fact that Jhumpa Lahiri is the child of Indian immigrants when she migrates from England (where sheRead MoreDiversity Management1730 Words  | 7 Pagespractices refer to efforts organizations engage in to provide an inclusive corporate culture that values differences and promotes opportunities for all employees. Traditionally, diversity programs have focused mostly on race and gender and other physical dimensions. However, today ¡Ã‚ ¦s definition of diversity covers a broad spectrum of individual and group differences ranging from work styles and generational perspectives to political and religious preferences. The illustration below represents how diversityRead MoreMulticulturalism Surrounded External And Internal Interactions.1796 Words  | 8 Pagesgeneralized standards. Berry (2005) highlights the differences and interactions between group level and individual level processes and how they influence acculturation. He defined acculturation as â€Å"the dual process of cultural and psychological change that takes place as a result of contact between two or more cultural groups and their individual members.†(pg. 698). This interaction between cultures leads to the shaping of behaviors and attitudes of that person. There are some presumptions that acculturation
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Cause And Effect Of Drinking Water - 1609 Words
It s a situation where they are unsure of their drinking water supply and that drinking water could have E. coli or other kinds of bacteria. I think probably the most disturbing thing is this despair often leads these young people even to contemplate suicide.51 The suicide rates in northern communities are astronomical. They are crisis in proportion, Beaucage said.52 Fontaine told columnists after his discourse that the northern Ontario group of Kashechewan, which was emptied in 2005 in view of sullied drinking water, is one group where suicide is a colossal issue.53 As per media reports, upwards of 21 individuals between the ages of nine and 23 attempted to submit suicide a month ago. Fontaine said urgent activity is required in†¦show more content†¦62 The foundations for such high rates of suicide are various and may incorporate misery because of social, social, or generational disengagement; medication and substance mishandle; or absence of lodging, nourishment, and access to circumstance. In little or detached groups, youth suicides may be especially traumatic and may prompt suicide clusters.63 Population Since the 1960s, the number of inhabitants in Aboriginal people groups has consistently expanded. Changes to the Indian Act in 1985 expanded these numbers, as individuals beforehand denied status had the capacity recover their personality.64 In 2011, more than 1,400,000 individuals, or 4.3 per cent of Canada s populace, distinguished themselves as one of Canada s Aboriginal gatherings: 851,560 First Nations, 451,795 Mà ©tis and 59,445 Inuit. More than 74.9 percent of First Nations
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Frankenstein and the Enlightenment - 2252 Words
Mary Shelly’s novel, Frankenstein, can be greatly related to many horror novels, no consideration of morality or thought. Shelly writes her story in a real world perspective showing themes of corruption and downfall making it seem frighteningly realistic. It truly is mind-boggling how research can conflict with religion without a thought or care. During the enlightenment, science began to mask over faith and religion, creating a cultural phenomenon. This is still a factor in today’s world. Although experimenting and research can have poor and great affects, the common question comes to mind, â€Å"even though it can be done, should it be done?†While Shelly talks of science and technology, it seems to become more predominate that not all†¦show more content†¦His classes are like torture and his professors seem to almost taunt him with their scientific theories. Just in a blink of an eye, trying to forget the monster soon turns into fearing the monster. M urders begin to take place and Victor is at a loss. He’s tossed between whether to tell someone of his creation or to keep it a secret, who would believe him anyway? Through the murders, Shelly displays in her novel how women were passive in the eighteenth century. Elizabeth and his father contact Victor for him soon to find that his younger brother William had been murdered. He is shocked and upset, already unstable. A girl by the name Justine Moritz has been framed for the murder, having a picture of Caroline Frankenstein that William had on him before the murder. Victor finds out later in the novel that his creation had murdered his brother. While searching for food in the woods, he comes across a girl who seems like she is drowning and saves her; this was Justine. He then runs into William to find that he is Victor’s brother. Angered by this, he strangles William and takes the picture of Caroline Frankenstein out of his pocket, placing it in Justine’s dress. After Justine was framed for William’s murder, she comes to talk to Elizabeth. She tells her story and Elizabeth truly believes that Justine had nothing to do with the murder of William. Victor still does not speak up about the monster he created and Justine was executed. The onlyShow MoreRelatedThe Age Of Enlightenment In Frankenstein835 Words  | 4 PagesDuring the period when Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was published was a complicated time period with a lot of change happening throughout the European world. Much of the change during this time period can be attributed to the thoughts and works of individuals during the Age of Enlightenment. Consequently, many of the ideas and theories that were expressed during the Age of Enlightenment are found throughout Shelley’s gothic novel. Furthermore, the Age of Enlightenment impacted the events depicted in MaryRead MoreInfluence Of Enlightenment In Frankenstein1530 Words  | 7 PagesThe story of â€Å"Franke nstein†, by Mary Shelley is about a scientist Victor Frankenstein who creates a monster. â€Å"I began the creation of a human being†(Shelley 54). Frankenstein was influenced by the natural philosophers of the prior generations. Frankenstein was among the enlightenment scientists that belied that the natural world has the answers to all the mystery in the world. They conducted various studies of the natural world and humanity to understand everything about how the universe and GodRead MoreEnlightenment Philosophy in Frankenstein Essay1882 Words  | 8 Pagesability, importance, and appearance. It is practiced by placing oneself at the center of his or her world. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, Shelley seeks to deliver her idea of the egotistic archetype as it relates to the ideals of The Enlightenment Period, a time period she sees as self-centered. Shelley sees the arrogance in the fact that Enlightenment philosophers test the limit s of human understanding and attempt to simplify the ambiguities of nature. She asserts that manRead MoreRomantic and Enlightenment Ideas in Frankenstein Essay1153 Words  | 5 Pages The Enlightenment age encouraged everyone to use reason and science in order to rid the world of barbarism and superstition. In fact, Kant argued that the public use of ones reason must always be free, and it alone can bring about enlightenment among men (Kant 3). Enlightenment thinking not only influenced philosophy and the sciences, but also literature (especially in Popes Essay on Man). In reaction to Enlightenments strict empiricism, Romanticism was born. In Frankenstein, Shelley arguesRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein - Romanticism And Enlightenment1233 Words  | 5 PagesMary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a true literary masterpiece and one of the best horror novels ever written. The book also allows for us to get a glimpse into the nineteenth century world and the society in which this novel was written in. Like most novels, Frankenstein was deeply influenced by the society in which it was written in. Ideas such as romanticism and post enlightenment are seen throug hout the work and have a great impact upon the book. Now the story of Frankenstein is legendary and everyoneRead MoreFrankenstein Challenging Extreme Romantic and Enlightenment Ideologies2088 Words  | 9 PagesMary Shelley’s Frankenstein like all texts is far from neutral, acting as a site to challenge and/or endorse certain ideologies. Published in the 19th century, it follows the journey of three characters amidst the influence and conflict of extreme Romantic and Enlightenment ideologies. Mary Shelley experienced much heartbreak, suicide and sorrow with the intense Romantic lifestyle she had chosen to adopt with Percy Shelley and it can be argued that Frankenstein is a critique of radicalism as revealedRead MoreThe Enormous Influence of the Enlightenment on the World and Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1082 Words  | 5 Pagesweapon that could break the feudalism. The Enlightenment was the product of this period. The origin of the Enlightenment was in England, and throughout in the Europe. France was the core country of the Enlightenment. The influence of the Enlightenment on the world was enormous. It provided plenty of mental preparation for the French Revolution; had inspired role in American Revolution. Voltaire’s Letter on England In the course of the Enlightenment, a large number of thinkers have emerged:Read MoreFrankenstein: Mary Shelleys Litererary Contribution During the Age of Enlightenment1038 Words  | 4 PagesReading can be one of the most boring and monotonous things to do. However, during the Age of Enlightenment, literature was at its peak from the many entertainments available during this time period. Great stories came from writers who incorporated various elements to make their stories interesting. Mary Shelly lived during this time period when Romanticism was at its highest. Everyone understood the language of the Romantics which contained different elements that were not necessarily about loveRead MoreRomanticism In Frankenstein Essay740 Words  | 3 PagesHistorical Relevance Within Frankenstein Imagine a world without Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution,and Romanticism. Mary Shelley uses these topics in her novel to expose the effects that each of these had on society. Frankenstein is a novel that was published in the early 1800’s and tells a story about a man by the name of Victor Frankenstein. Technology and critical thinking skills plays a huge role in the novel and real life.By analyzing the importance of the Enlightenment, Industrial RevolutionRead MoreEvil in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1462 Words  | 6 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein is very much a commentary on the Enlightenment and its failure to tame the human condition through reason. The human condition can be defined as the unique features which mold a human being. The creature is undoubtedly a victim of this predicament. He grapples with the meaning of life, the search for gratification, the sense of curiosity, the inevitability of isolation, and the awareness of the inescapability of death . These qualities and his ceaseless stalking of his
Mini Project Free Essays
string(160) " was a major advance in the ability of machines to faithfully reproduce complex part machining steps more accurately without human intervention or variability\." CONTENTS 1| ABSTRACT| | 2| ABBREVIATION| | 3| INTRODUCTION TO NC AND CNC| 4| 4| HISTORY| 7| 5| CNC SYSTEM ELEMENTS| 10| 6| WORING ON CNC MACHINES| | 7| BASIC CONCEPTS OF PART PROGRAMMING| 16| 8| TYPES OF CNC MACHINES| 18| 9| PROPERTIES OF CNC MACHINES| 20| 10| DRILLING AND TAPPING ON CNC| 35| 11| APPLICATIONS OF CNC MACHINES| 49| 12| ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF CNC| 51| 13| CONCLUSION| 52| LIST OF FIGURES PAGE NO 1| Hydrotel Milling Machine| 5| 2| Chiron CNC Machine| 5| 3| CNC Lathe Machine| 6| | CNC elements block diagram| 10 | 5| Point to Point tool path| 11| 6| Contour Tool Path| 12| 7| Continuous path tool movements| 18| 8| Continuous path controllers| 19| 9 | Schematic Illustrations of components(a)An open loop(b)A closed loop control| 19| 10| CNC Lathe| 21| 11| CNC Grinders| 21| 12| CNC Drilling| 22| 13| CNC Boring machine| 22| 14| Electrical Discharge Machines (EDM)| 23| 15| Laser cutting machine tools| 23| 16| Flat bed CNC Lathe| 25| 7| Slant bed CNC Lathe| 25| 18| CNC To ol Turrent| 26| | | | | | | | | | | | | 28| Different tools in Drilling machines| 26| 20| Tool Holders| 27| 21| CNC with Fanuc control| 28| 22| CNC setter| 29| 23| Override Speed setter| 31| 24| CNC Backlash| 32| 25| Sensitive Drilling machine| 37| 26| Radial drilling machine| 38| 27| Up-right Drilling machine| 38| 28| Drill materials| 39| 29| Tool nomenclature| 40| 30| Tool holding devices| 41| 31| Various operations of drilling machines| 42| 32| Counter Boring| 43| 33| Counter sunk| 43| 34| Spot Facing| 43| 35| Hands Taps| 46| 36| Holding Devices| 48| 7| Types of Clamps and C- Clamps| 49| 38| Products used in Aerospace Industry| 49| 39| 5 Axis CNC Milling machine| 50| 3. INTRODUCTION TO NC AND CNC Numerical control (NC) refers to the automation of machine tools that are operated by programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, controlled manually via hand wheels or levers, or mechanically automated via cams alone. The first NC machines were built in the 1940s and 1950s. We will write a custom essay sample on Mini Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now These early servomechanisms were rapidly augmented with analog and digital computers, creating the modern computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools that have revolutionized the machining processes. The program is translated into the appropriate electrical signals for input to motors that run the machine. A CNC machine is an numerical control machine with the added feature of an on board computer. The computer is referred to as the machine control unit (MCU). In modern CNC systems, component design is highly automated using computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs. The programs produce a computer file that extracts the commands needed to operate a particular machine, and then loaded into the CNC machines for production. Since any component might require the use of a number of different tools-drills, saws, etc. , modern machines often combine multiple tools into a single â€Å"cell†. The Evolution of NC It was in 1947 when numerical control was born. It began when John C. Parsons of the Parsons Corporation, Traverse City, Michigan, a manufacturer of helicopter rotor blades, could not make his templates fast enough. So, he invented a way of coupling computer equipment with a jig borer. Mr. Parsons used punched cards to operate his digit Ron system. 1949 was the year of another â€Å"Urgent need†. The U. S. Air Material command realized that parts for its planes and missiles were becoming more complex. Also, as the designs were constantly being improved, changes in the drawing were frequently made. Thus, in their search for methods of faster production, an Air Force study contract was awarded to the Parsons Corporation. The servo mechanisms laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was the subcontractor. In 1951, MIT took over the complete job, and in 1952, the prototype of today’s NC machine, a modified Cincinnati Hydrotel Milling Machine, was successfully demonstrated. The numerical control was originated at MIT. Fig:1 Fig:2 CNC MACHINES CNC stands for Computer Numerically Controlled. CNC refers to how a machine operates, that is, its basic method of controlling movement, e. g. , a CNC machine uses a stream of digital information (code) from a computer to move motors and other positioning systems in order to guide a spindle or other tooling over raw material. A CNC machine uses mathematics and coordinate systems to understand and process information about what to move, to where, and how fast. Most CNC machines are able to move in three controlled directions at once. These directions are called axes and are given simple names such as X, Y and Z (based on the Cartesian Co-ordinate System). The X axis is always the longest distance a machine or a part of a machine must travel. X may be the movement from front to back, Y the movement from left to right, and the Z is almost always vertical movement (normally the spindle’s positioning movement up and down). Superior Machinery sells many types of CNC Machines, from CNC Horizontals, CNC Verticals to CNC Lathes; they have over 182 CNC Machines to choose from. A CNC machine must be able to communicate with itself to operate. A computer numeric control unit sends position commands to motors. The motors must talk back to the control that, indeed, they have acted correctly to move the machine a given distance. The ability of CNC machines to move in three (or more) directions at once allows them to create almost any desired pattern or shape. All of this processing happens very fast, accurately and consistently. 4. HISTORY Fig:3 In 1775, John Wilkinson- cannon boring machine (lathe). In 1881, Eli Whitney- milling machine. In 1947, Mr. John Parsons began experimenting for using 3-axis curvature data to control the machine tool motion for the production for aircraft components. In 1949, parsons- first NC machine. In 1951, MIT was involved in the project. In 1955, after refinements NC became available in industry . Today, modern machineries are CNC milling machines and lathes. CNC technology was developed in the United States in the 1950? s for the US Air Force by metalworking machine tool builders. It was a major advance in the ability of machines to faithfully reproduce complex part machining steps more accurately without human intervention or variability. You read "Mini Project" in category "Papers" Numerical control (NC) refers to the automation of machine tools that are operated by abstractly programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, as opposed to manually controlled via handwheels or levers, or mechanically automated via cams alone. The first NC machines were built in the 1940s and 1950s, based on existing tools that were modified with motors that moved the controls to follow points fed into the system on punched tape. These early servomechanisms were rapidly augmented with analog and digital computers, creating the modern computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools that have revolutionized the machining processes. In modern CNC systems, end-to-end component design is highly automated using computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs. The programs produce a computer file that is interpreted to extract the commands needed to operate a particular machine via a postprocessor, and then loaded into the CNC machines for production. Since any particular component might require the use of a number of different tools-drills, saws, etc. , modern machines often combine multiple tools into a single â€Å"cell†. In other cases, a number of different machines are used with an external controller and human or robotic operators that move the component from machine to machine. In either case, the complex series of steps needed to produce any part is highly automated and produces a part that closely matches the original CAD design. Proliferation of CNC The price of computer cycles fell drastically during the 1960s with the widespread introduction of useful minicomputers. Eventually it became less expensive to handle the motor control and feedback with a computer program than it was with dedicated servo systems. Small computers were dedicated to a single mill, placing the entire process in a small box. PDP-8? s and Data General Nova computers were common in these roles. The introduction of the microprocessor in the 1970s further reduced the cost of implementation, and today almost all CNC machines use some form of microprocessor to handle all operations. The introduction of lower-cost CNC machines radically changed the manufacturing industry. Curves are as easy to cut as straight lines, complex 3-D structures are relatively easy to produce, and the number f machining steps that required human action have been dramatically reduced. With the increased automation of manufacturing processes with CNC machining, considerable improvements in consistency and quality have been achieved with no strain on the operator. CNC automation reduced the frequency of errors and provided CNC operators with time to perform additional tasks. CNC automation also allows for more flexibility in the way parts are held in the manufacturing process and the time required to change the machine to produce different components. During the early 1970s the Western economies were mired in slow economic growth and rising employment costs, and NC machines started to become more attractive. The major U. S. vendors were slow to respond to the demand for machines suitable for lower-cost NC systems, and into this void stepped the Germans. In 1979, sales of German machines surpassed the U. S. designs for the first time. This cycle quickly repeated itself, and by 1980 Japan had taken a leadership position, U. S. sales dropping all the time. Once sitting in the #1 position in terms of sales on a top-ten chart consisting entirely of U. S. ompanies in 1971, by 1987 Cincinnati Milacron was in 8th place on a chart heavily dominated by Japanese firms. Many researchers have commented that the U. S. focus on high-end applications left them in an uncompetitive situation when the economic downturn in the early 1970s led to greatly increased demand for low-cost NC systems. Unlike the U. S. companies, who had focused on the highl y profitable aerospace market, German and Japanese manufacturers targeted lower-profit segments from the start and were able to enter the low-cost markets much more easily. As computing and networking evolved, so did direct numerical control (DNC). Its long-term coexistence with less networked variants of NC and CNC is explained by the fact that individual firms tend to stick with whatever is profitable and their time and money for trying out alternatives is limited. This explains why machine tool models and tape storage media persist in grandfathered fashion even as the state of the art advances. 5. CNC SYSTEM ELEMENTS A typical CNC system consists of the following six elements. 1 Part program 2 Program input device 3 Machine control unit 4 Drive system 5 Machine tool 6 Feedback system Fig:4 6. WORKING OF CNC MACHINES: CNC machines are Controlled by G and M codes. These are number values and co-ordinates. Each number or code is assigned to a particular operation. Typed in manually to CAD by machine operators. GM codes are automatically generated by the computer software. The tool or material moves. Tools can operate in 1-5 axes. Larger machines have a machine control unit (MCU) which manages operations. Movement is controlled by a motor (actuators). Feedback is provided by sensors (transducers) Closed loop. Tool magazines are used to change tools automatically. Tool Paths and Cutting  Motions: Tool paths describe the route the cutting tool takes. Motion can be described as point to point, or contouring. Speeds are the rate at which the tool operates e. g. rpm. Feeds are the rate at which the cutting tool and work piece move in relation to each other. Expressed in IPM (inches per minute) Feeds and speeds are determined by cutting depth, material and quality of finish needed. e. g . harder materials need slower feeds and speeds. Rouging cuts remove larger amounts of material than finishing cuts. Rapid traversing allows the tool or work piece to move rapidly when no machining is taking place. Fig:6 Point to Point Tool path Fig:5Contour ToolPath 1. Point to Point tool paths cut following lines 2. Contour tool paths cut follow surfaces Linear Interpolation: (Point to Point) Linear interpolation consist of a programmed point linked together by straight line Fig:7 Circular Interpolation: (Contour) Circular interpolation is the process of programming arcs and circles. Circular interpolation requires endpoints, a feed rate, a center, a radius, and a direction of movement. Block of Information: When running, a part program is interpreted one command line at a time until all lines are completed. Fig:8 N001 G01 X1. 2345 Y. 06789 MO3 N001:Represents the sequence number of the operation G01: Represents linear operation (tool movement) X12345: Will move the tool or table 1. 2345 in. a positive direction along the X axis Y6789:Will move the tool or table 0. 6789 in. along the Y axis M03:Turns spindle on clockwise Commands, which are also referred to as blocks, are made up of words which each begin with a letter address and end with a numerical value. Each letter address relates to a specific machine function. â€Å"G†and â€Å"M†letter addresses O-Program number (Used for program identification) N-Sequence number (Used for line identification) G-Preparatory function X-X axis designation Y-Y axis designation Z-Z axis designation R-Radius designation F-Feed rate designation S-Spindle speed designation H-Tool length offset designation D-Tool radius offset designation T-Tool Designation M-Miscellaneous function G- CODES (Preparatory Functions) which cause some movement of the machine table or head. G00 – Rapid Movement G01- Linear Interpolation (movement) G02- Circular Interpolation, CW G03- Circular Interpolation, CCW G17 -XY Plane,G18- XZ Plane,G19 -YZ Plane G20/G70 -Inch units G21/G71 -Metric Units G40- Cutter compensation cancel G41 -Cutter compensation right G43- Tool length compensation (plus) G43- Tool length compensation (plus) G44- Tool length compensation (minus) G49-Tool length compensation cancel G80-Cancel canned cycles G81-Drilling cycle G82-Counter boring cycle G83-Deep hole drilling cycle G90-Absolute positioning G91- Incremental positioning M-CODES (Miscellaneous) which turn ON or OFF different functions M00 -Program stop M01 -Optional program stop M02 -Program end M03- Spindle on clockwise M04 -Spindle on counterclockwise M05- Spindle stop M06- Tool change . BASIC CONCEPTS OF PART PROGRAMMING Part programming contains geometric data about the part and motion information to move the cutting tool with respect to the worpiece. Basically, the machine receives instructions as a sequence of blocks containing commands to set machine parameters; speed, feed and other relevant information. A block is equivalent to a line of codes in a part program. N 135 G01 X1. 0 Y1. 0 Z0. 125 T01 F5. 0 These define: N135-Block number G01-G codes X1. 0, Y1. 0, Z0. 125-Coordinates T01-Tool number F5. 0-Special function Programming Methods Automatically Programmed Tools (APT): A text based system in which a programmer defines a series of lines, arcs, and points which define the overall part geometry locations. These features are then used to generate a cutter location (CL) file. Computer Aided Machining (CAM) Systems-Computer Aided Design (CAD) Systems: CAD/CAM systems allow for rapid development and modifying of designs and documentation. The 3D geometric model produced becomes a common element for engineering analysis (FEA), machining process planning (including CNC part programming, documentation (including engineering drawings), quality control, and so on. Drives of CNC machine tool Hydraulic actuator – high power machine tool Stepping motor – small machine due to limited power and torque DC motor – excellent speed regulation, high torque, most widely used. 8. PROPERTIES OF CNC MACHINES Based on Motion Type: Motion control – the heart of CNC: Point-to-Point or Continuous path Based on Control Loops: Open loop or Closed loop Based on Power Supply: Electric or Hydraulic or Pneumatic Based on Positioning System: Incremental or Absolute Point-to-Point Tool Movements: Point-to-point control systems cause the tool to that point only. The tool is not in continuous contact with the part while it is moving. Examples: drilling, reaming, punching, boring and tapping. Fig:9 Continuous-Path Tool Movements : Continuous-path controllers cause the tool to maintain continuous contact with the part as the tool cuts a contour shape. These operations include milling along any lines at any angle, milling Fig:10 Arcs and lathe turning. Loop Systems for Controlling Tool Movement: Schematic illustration of the components of (a) an open-loop and (b) a closed-loop control system for a CNC machine. 9. TYPES OF CNC MACHINES * Lathe Machine * Milling Machine Drilling Machine -The bench drill -The pillar drill * Boring Machine * Grinding Machine CNC Mills: These machining centers use computer controls to cut different materials. They are able to translate programs consisting of specific number and letters to move the spindle to various locations and depths. Used to make 3D prototypes, moulds, cutting dies, printing plates and sights. CN C Lathes: They cut metal that is often turning at fast speeds. CNC lathes are able to make fast ,precision cuts using Indexable tools and drills with complicated programs. Normally, they cannot be cut on manual lathes. They often include 12 tool holder sand coolant pumps to cut down on tool wear. Fig:11 CNC Grinders: Grinding metal process uses a coated wheel that slowly removes metal to create a part. Through the years, grinding was done on a manual machine, but with the advent of CNC technology, the grinding process has advanced . Fig:12 CNC DRILLING: Drilling is commonly used for mass production. The drilling machine (drilling press) is used to create or enlarge holes. The bench drill: For drilling holes through raw materials such as wood, plastic and metal The pillar drill: A larger version that stands upright on the floor. As the bench drill, it can be used to drill larger pieces of materials and produce bigger holes. Fig:13 CNC Boring: Process of enlarging an existing hole or internal cylindirical surface. This can be accomplished on a lathe or a machine tool specifically designed for the process, such as a horizontal boring machine. Fig:14 Electrical Discharge Machines (EDM): Wire EDM machines utilize a very thin wire (. 0008 to . 012in. ) as an electrode. The wire is stretched between diamond guides and carbide that conduct current to the wire and cuts the part like a band saw. Material is removed by the erosion caused by a spark that moves horizontally with the wire. Fig:15 Laser Cutting Machines: The machine utilizes an intense beam of focused laser light to cut the part. Material under the beam experiences a rapid rise in temperature and is vaporized. Laser cuts with a minimum of distortion, no mechanical cutting forces. Specific tools to perform different Operations: Fig:16Fig:17 CNC lathe machine tool turret is part of the CNC machine where all tooling is mounted. CNC lathe tool turret has an integral Disk like part (Tool turret disk) on which all the tools are mounted. CNC lathe tool turret is mounted on the x-axis carriage. Fig:18 Slant Bed CNC Lathe / Flat Bed CNC Lathe On some CNC lathe machines x-axis carriage with the tool turret is located behind the spindle (such cnc lathe machines are called slant bed cnc lathe machines) and on other cnc lathe it is located at the front (as normal lathe machines) such cnc lathe machines are called flat bed cnc lathe machine. The below is a Slant Bed CNC Lathe Machine. Fig:19 Fig:20 CNC Lathe Tool Turret Tool Capacity: Tool capacity for cnc lathe machines varies machine to machine. Small CNC lathe machines normally comes with a tool turret capacity of 4 or 8 tools stations. Bigger and heavy CNC lathe machines tool turrets are big and heavy and accordingly will hold more tools such as 12 or more. Fig:21 Tool Holder: Tool holder is the actual part which fastens the tool to the cnc lathe tool turret Disk. Tool holder size also depends upon the cnc lathe tool turret size, heavy CNC late machine tool turret comes with with big bore for tool holders such as 50 mm diameter. For the small tool turret this might be 40 mm diameter or, less to suit the tool to hold. Fig:22 CNC Lathe Tool Turret Rotation CNC lathe tool turret rotates with the cnc program commands. Normally a letter â€Å"T†is used to call a tool in the working position. The tool rotation is dependent on cnc lathe machine. Some cnc lathe tool turret rotate in one direction (CW or CCW ). Some cnc lathe tool turret rotates both directions, such tool turret direction is optimized for the nearest tool station. Some cnc lathe give full control over tool call up, you can call by optimized direction or you can call tool by rotating tool turret by CW direction or CCW. Tool Offset in CNC Lathe with Fanuc Control Fig:23 There are variety of cnc machines in the market, and almost every cnc machine in a cnc workshop has different kind of cnc machine controls if controls are not different they might have different versions of the same cnc machine control. As the operating of different cnc machines controls is very much different from one another the same way Tool Offsetting is very much different. Here I will discuss the cnc tool measurement on Fanuc. Tool Offset Setting on Fanuc TC Some cnc machines has some kind of built-in mechanism of tool-offsetting, this built-in mechanisn of tool-offsetting makes adding new tools are changing existing tools a breeze, because you just tie-up the tool in the tool-post on the cnc machine tool-turret and just perform the procedure the cnc machine manufacture has given in the cnc machine operating and setting manual. The Fanuc controls such as Fanuc TC has this capability, Just tie up tool in the tool turret and perform a simple procedure and everything is done. The tool offsetting procedure might be different from version to version, But on Fanuc TC this procedure is simple as under. For tool offsetting of a new tool just tie up the tool in the tool post and in MDI (Manual Data Input) Mode call up the tool in the working position by entering the command T1, the T is for tool call up and 1 is tool number if you have your tool on another position you might change that with that tool number. Now change the cnc machine to Jog Mode and touch the tool cutting point to the finished component (already gripped in cnc machine jaws) face and bring the Tool-Geometry page and enter under the tool number the command MZ0 this command will clear any previous values and will measure the current tool’s tool-offset in Z-axis. Now touch the tool to a known-diameter on the component and again in the tool-geometry page enter the command MX50 you can enter the measured diameter value instead of 50. This way now we have calculated the tool-measurement on the Fanuc TC cnc machine control. CNC Dry Run Invaluable Tool for CNC Setter: Fig:24 It shows the power and the flexibility the cnc machine manufacturers and cnc control manufacturers give a cnc machine setter by integrating the Dry Run on cnc machines. On some cnc machines the Dry Run is added as a CNC Machine Mode like Fanuc. On Fanuc cnc control you just select the Dry Run mode and cnc machine is now in Dry Run Mode. Introduction of Dry Run for CNC Machines Setting a new component on a cnc machine is not an easy job. You have to go through many important tasks like cnc machine zero offsetting (cnc machine shift value setting),tool offsetting of tools used on cnc machine etc. Now if you have completed these all tasks, now comes the time to run the cnc program for the first time, A really crucial and time consuming cnc task. A small negligence might be cause of an accident on cnc machine (tool breakage etc. . To make the first run easy and safe the cnc machine manufacturers and cnc control manufacturers provide us a way by which we can easily control the tools feed with feed override. So now the cnc setter is a bit easy because he can now run all the tools with a Safe Feed. Now cnc setter easily can lower the tool feed when he feels the tool is entering a bit danger zone, and easily can increase t he tool feed (to a rapid feed) when the tool is away from the component (so the time not go wasted with lower feed when tool is away from component). In Dry Run all the cnc blocks whether those are starting with G00 or G01 and other G-code like G02/G03 run with the same feed, which is controlled through Feed Override. On Fanuc the feed override is controlled through Handwheel after feed override button press, and there also exists a Rapid Feed Button which if pressed during Dry Run Mode the cnc machine program block will run with Rapid Feed. One point must be cleared for Fanuc control is that feed override also works in Auto Mode and Single Block Mode but in such modes the feed override only controls G01/G02/G03 like G-code. But feed override will not control the G00 (Rapid Traverse). But in Dry Run Mode all the cnc program will run with the feed which is controlled through Feed Override. An introduction to cnc machine speed override and feed override controls and safety instructions which must be adhere to while working with cnc machine feed and speed override. CNC Machine Speed Override / Feed Override Introduction Normally you program the speed and feed this way, N10 G97 S1000 G95 F0. 3 Fig:25 Now for one reason or other you want to increase or decrease the speed or feed of the cnc machine for some time, you definitely have a way to just alter the cnc machine program, but there is one more suitable solution the Feed Override and Speed Override Controls. The feed override and speed override are the most suitable and handy way to control the cnc machine feed and speed through cnc control panel. You control the speed and feed in percentage. When the feed override is 100% the actually feed which is programmed will be active. But if the feed override is 50% then the feed will decrease by that ratio, now the machine tools will run with 50% of feed. So if you have programmed 0. 5 mm/rev feed then with 100% the 0. 5 will be active, but for 50% feed override the actually tool feed will be 0. 25 mm/rev. The same rule applies for speed override, for 100% the actual programmed speed will be active and spindle will revolve with the actual programmed speed. But at 50% speed override the spindle speed will drop by 50%. Feed Override Speed Override Minimum Maximum Values: Normally you can control speed override and feed override from 0% to 120%. At 0% speed override the spindle will stop rotating, and at 0% feed override the tool will stop working ( the tool will be stationary ). No doubt 120% feed override and speed override is just safe. But some cnc machines give even more flexibility I have worked on a cnc machine which has its feed override 0% to 200%. Normal cnc machine has just 0% to 120% feed override and speed override. Speed Override and Feed Override Safety Precautions Whenever handling the speed override and feed override always think about safety, safety of yourself, tool, machine, component and your surroundings. Never try to use the speed override and feed override if you don’t need it. Because when cnc programs are made the speed and feed is properly set for the machined component. The increase in feed or speed might break insert or even tool. CNC Backlash CNC Troubleshooting, In this category we will see the cnc machine from a different view (cnc machine maintenance), your feedback will really matter, and I hope you will share you knowledge and experience. I will talk about the CNC Backlash which is found in cnc machine axis. * what is cnc backlash, * cnc backlash causes, * when to worry about cnc backlash, how to measure backlash, * How to resolve and compensate cnc backlash through hardware and cnc control software. Fig:26 *What is CNC Backlash? CNC Backlash is any kind of play which is found in cnc machine axis. or you might say, CNC Backlash is non-movement of the cnc axis which occurs on axis reversal. *Causes of CNC Backlash? This play (backlash) might be due to * Clearance which is kept in mechanical parts to reduce friction. * As mechanical parts get loose with time. * As with time mechanical parts keep moving and rubbing each other and after long time they lose their actual shape and size. CNC Backlash Is already there A cnc machine axis move due to their Lead Screw and Lead Screw Nut. There is always kept a very minor backlash in the lead screw and lead screw nut to reduce damage and wear. *CNC Backlash When to Worry It is good if your cnc machine axis backlash is near 0. 0001? but not always possible, so 0. 0003? to 0. 0004? is acceptable. But if the amount of play in the lead screw and nut crosses this limit then there is the time to worry, and call up you mechanical maintenance guys. CNC Backlash How to Measure? CNC machine backlash can be measure with a Dial Indicator attached to an Adjustable Stand. Put the stand on the cnc bed and direct the needle (plunger) of the dial indicator towards the axis which you want to measure. 1. Set the dial needle to 0. 0mm (zero). 2. Now move the axis in one direction 0. 5mm. Dial indicator should show 0. 5mm travel. 3. Now reverse the same axis 0. 5mm. If your dial indicator now goes back to 0. 0mm, then everything is okay. But otherwise, if on reversal the dial lags behind, then the amount the dial lags behind is the backlash. CNC Backlash How to Resolve? ( Backlash Compensation ) Now you have two choices the hardware way and software way to resolve cnc backlash. You first better choose the hardware way, because normally backlash is due to lead screw or lead screw nut wear, so better resolve the issue by tightening them a bit if they are loose than required, there are plenty of other hardware ways to cope with backlash. CNC controls also give us the ability to control (compensate) cnc backlash through their parameters. CNC Backlash Compensation through CNC Control Parameters How Much Successful? The better advice is that you resolve the issue by changing the lead screw (if possible) or lead screw nut, or just tightening them if they are loose might work, but otherwise CNC control parameters can be changed to compensate backlash, the cnc lathe machine I work on with fanuc control has the 0. 012mm set in its parameters as the backlash compensation for x-axis and z-axis. So such values can be changed to resolve the backlash issue. 10. DRILLING AND TAPPING ON CNC MACHINES Drilling is the operation of producing circular hole in the work-piece by using a rotating cutter called DRILL. The machine used for drilling is called drilling machine. The drilling operation can also be accomplished in lathe, in which the drill is held in tailstock and the work is held by the chuck. The most common drill used is the twist drill. Drilling Machine It is the simplest and accurate machine used in production shop. The work piece is held stationary ie. Clamped in position and the drill rotates to make a hole. Types 1) Based on construction: Portable, Sensitive, Radial, up-right, Gang, Multi-spindle 2) Based on Feed: Hand driven ,Power driven Components of drilling machine: Spindle The spindle holds the drill or cutting tools and revolves in a fixed position in a sleeve. Sleeve The sleeve or quill assembly does not revolve but may slide in its bearing in a direction parallel to its axis. When the sleeve carrying the spindle with a cutting tool is lowered, the cutting tool is fed into the work: and when it’s moved upward, the cutting tool is withdrawn from the work. Feed pressure applied to the sleeve by hand or power causes the revolving drill to cut its way into the work a fraction of an mm per revolution. Column The column is cylindrical in shape and built rugged and solid. The column supports the head and the sleeve or quill assembly. Head The head of the drilling machine is composed of the sleeve, a spindle, an electric motor and feed mechanism. The head is bolted to the column. Worktable The worktable is supported on an arm mounted to the column. The worktable can be adjusted vertically to accommodate different heights of work or it can be swung completely out of the way. It may be tilted up to 90 degree in either direction, to allow long pieces to be end or angle drilled. Base The base of the drilling machine supports the entire machine and when bolted to the floor, provides for vibration-free operation and best machining accuracy. The top of the base is similar to the worktable and may be equipped with t- slot for mounting work too larger for the table. Hand Feed The hand- feed drilling machines are the simplest and most common type of drilling machines in use today. These are light duty machine that are operated by the operator, using a feed handled, so that the operator is able to â€Å"feel†the action of the cutting tool as it cuts through the work piece. These drilling machines can be bench or floor mounted. Power feed The power feed drilling machine are usually larger and heavier than the hand feed ones they are equipped with the ability to feed the cutting tool in to the work automatically, at preset depth of cut per revolution of the spindle these machines are used in maintenance for medium duty work or the work that uses large drills that require power feed larger work pieces are usually clamped directly to the table or base using t –bolts and clamps by a small work places are held in a vise. A depth –stop mechanism is located on the head, near the spindle, to aid in drilling to a precise depth. Sensitive or Bench Drilling Machine * This type of drill machine is used for very light works. Fig. 1 illustrates the sketch of sensitive drilling machine. * The vertical column carries a swiveling table the height of which can be adjusted according to the work piece height. * The table can also be swung to any desired position. * At the top of the column there are two pulleys connected by a belt, one pulley is mounted on the motor shaft and other on the machine spindle. * Vertical movement to the spindle is given by the feed handle by the operator. * Operator senses the cutting action so sensitive drilling machine. Fig:27 Up-Right Drilling Machine * These are medium heavy duty machines. * It specifically differs from sensitive drill in its weight, rigidity, application of power feed and wider range of spindle speed. Fig. 2 shows the line sketch of up-right drilling machine. * This machine usually has a gear driven mechanism for different spindle speed and an automatic or power feed device. * Table can move vertically and radially. * Drill holes up to 50mm Fig:28 Radial Drilling Machine * It the largest and most versatile used for drilling medium to large and heavy work pieces. Radial drilling machine belong to power feed type. * The column and radial drilling machine supports the radial arm, drill head and motor. Fig. 3 shows the line sketch of radial drilling machine. * The radial arm slides up and down on the column with the help of elevating screw provided on the side of the column, which is driven by a motor. * The drill head is mounted on the radial arm and moves on the guide ways provided the radial arm can also be swiveled around the column. * The drill head is equipped with a separate motor to drive the spindle, which carries the drill bit. A drill head may be moved on the arm manually or by power. * Feed can be either manual or automatic with reversal mechanism. Drill Materials The two most common types are 1. HSS drill- Low cost 2. Carbide- tipped drills – high production and in CNC machines Other types are: Solid Carbide drill, TiN coated drills, carbide coated masonry drills, parabolic drills, split point drill. Fig. 4 shows various types of drills. Drill fixed to the spindle Fig:30 Tool Nomenclature: Fig. 31 Nomenclature of twist drill Tool holding devices Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 shows the different work holding and drill drift device. The different methods used for holding drill in a drill spindle are * By directly fitting in the spindle hole. * By using drill sleeve * By using drill socket * By using drill chuck Fig:32 Drilling operations: Operations that can be performed in a drilling machine are * Drilling * Reaming * Boring * Counter boring * Countersinking * Tapping Drilling: It is an operation by which holes are produced in solid metal by means of revolving tool called ‘Drill’. Fig. 9 shows the various operations on drilling machine. Reaming: Reaming is accurate way of sizing and finishing the pre-existing hole. Multi tooth cutting tool. Accuracy of 0. 005mm can be achieved. Boring: Boring is a process of enlarging an existing hole by a single point cutting tool. Boring operation is often preferred because we can correct hole size, or alignment and can produce smooth finish. Boring tool is held in the boring bar which has the shank. Accuracy of 0. 005mm can be achieved. Fig. 33 Various operations on drilling machine Counter Bore :- This operation uses a pilot to guide the cutting action to accommodate the heads of bolts. Fig. 10 illustrates the counter boring, countersunk and spot facing processes. Countersink:- Special angled cone shaped enlargement at the end of the hole to accommodate the screws. Cone angles of 60 °, 82 °, 90 °, 100 °, 110 °, 120 ° Fig. 34 Counter boring, countersunk and spot facing Drilling machines are tools that have a rotating, cutting component at one end that bores holes into different materials. There are several types of drilling machines that may be used for a wide variety of purposes, including woodworking, construction, masonry, metalworking, medicine, oil drilling, and many other fields. Common drills include the hand drill, push drill, pistol-grip drill, hammer drill, and drill press. In addition to making holes, drills are often used to push screws into wood, metal, plastic, rock, or composites. The hand drill and push drill are both manually operated drilling machines that have been largely replaced by power drills. A hand drill works by turning a crank that rotates gears, which cause the chuck to turn. The chuck is the component of the drilling machine that holds the bit, or the end cutting piece. The push drill is a skinny tool resembling a screwdriver with a handle that can be pushed down on a threaded shaft, or a pole with helical ridging. As the handle is pushed down along threading, the shaft, chuck, and bit spins downward, much like pumping a toy metal top. Pistol-grip drills are the most commonly used drilling machines. These are corded electric drills that are typically shaped roughly like a pistol, with a trigger switch that starts a motor inside the drill. The motor causes the chuck and bit to spin in continuous revolutions. These drilling machines may be used to make holes for bolts or other purposes, to push screws into wood, plastic, or other materials, and to bore countersinks. A countersink is a screw-shaped hole that is made before the screw is drilled in, preventing splintering or pulling of the plastic or wood around the head of the screw. A pistol-grip drill is also available in a battery-powered, cordless version, though they are usually more expensive. There are many different types of this drill and several indications for use. It is also possible to adapt the drill with an attachment, such as sanding or sawing components. A hammer drill, also called a rotary hammer, is similar to a pistol-grip drill, but also applies a punching motion to complement the rotational action of the bit. This hammering, forward force makes it useful for tougher materials, such as concrete or stone, that standard electric drills cannot cut through. For softer materials, however, the hammer drill may apply excessive force and a standard drill may be a better choice. A drill press is a type of drill that may stand on the floor or be mounted on a workbench. The base of the machine is bolted to the table or floor and a column rises up from the base to support the back of the head of the drill. The column also supports a table that can be adjusted in height between the head and the base. The spindle, a metal component that holds the chuck and drill bit, extends downward from the front of the head, parallel to the column. A larger distance between the spindle and column allows wood with a larger width to be drilled. An â€Å"on†switch triggers the spindle to spin and levers attached to the head of the drill press move the spindle and chuck to move up or down. These drilling machines are suited for accurate drilling, because the bit is fixed and the work can be secured to the table with clamps or a vise. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Types Of Drill Bits Drill bits are tools used in making cylindrical holes. Various types of drill bits are designed for different uses. Drill bits are equipments or tools that are used in making cylindrical holes. Drill bits can also be referred to as a drilling machine. Drill bits are available in various drill types such as metal drills, gun drills, screw machine drills, core drills, step drills, spade drills, forstner drills, masonry drills, dental or surgical drills, wood bits, twist drills, drill blank taper drills and much more. They are designed to cut while doing a clockwise rotating motion. Several drill bits are coolant fed. They contain a channel or hole for directing the coolant fed near to the cutting edges. The split point drill heads of drill bits are used for chip clearance and for excellent centering. Drill bits can also be used in cutting aluminum, general-purpose metals, brass, copper, bronze, ceramic, and plastic, stainless steel, steel, wood, titanium and hardened materials. Various types of drill bits are designed for different uses. Listed below are some types of Drill Bits. Twist Drill: It drills holes in plastic, metal and wood. This drill is currently produced with a width covering a range from 0. 5 millimeters to 100 millimeters while its length is around 1000 millimeters. The most usual twist drill has a tip angle of 118 degrees. This is a proper angle for an extensive array of job. It also has a long series drill for extended length twist drills. It is not advisable to drill deep holes using this twist drill. Diamond Drill Bit: This particular drill is used in the bathroom for updating or remodeling. It is also used in redesigning your kitchen decoration. Furthermore, it is used on ceramic, glass, tile, limestone, stained glass, marble, fiberglass, porcelain, stone, slate and porcelain tile. When using this drill, the main concern is to obtain water at the edge of the drill bit. Drilling fiberglass may be done with or without water but make sure that the fiberglass has ample amount of water just to get the drill wet. Indexable Drill Bit: This provides an excellent performance in making short-hole drillings. Stainless steel is drilled 3x in diameter and only a short-hole must be done. Listed below are some other types of drill bits Adjustable Bit: This is built with a changeable cutter blade to bore holes of various sizes. It is also used for drilling gaps for wiring or piping. Around-the-corner bit: It is used to cut arched holes that are stretched in corners with a diagonal cutting surface. Auger Bits: This drill creates drill holes in wooden materials. The drill ends have a screw head so that the bits may be self fed. Brad-point drill: This drill looks almost the same as the usual bits but it has sharpened point to make wood drilling a lot easier. This drill has cleaner holes other than spade bits. Counterbore: The drill allows a screw to be driven under the wood outside. The holes that are drilled may be filled with a plug or wire. Drill Saw Bit: It is used to cut holes such as wood and metal and can enlarge current holes. Countersink: A drill that has an angled tip design that forms a â€Å"slump†in the screw head. Fly cutter: This one is often used to cut circles in wood and other soft metals. The diameter of circles may be adjusted by changing the cutter blade setting. Hole saw: It cut holes from one to six centimeters in diameter and has a center bit for directing the cutting blade edge of the saw. Reamer bit: The tapered bit of reamer may be used on existing holes rather than to enlarge holes. Screw pilot bit: This beautiful bit is used for drilling body holes. A pilot hole is used along with the countersink. Wire Brushes: It use to remove rust and to clean up metal and is available either as a wheel or a cup with wire brush. Plastic bit: This is designed with a tip so as to prevent splintering when drilling plastic. It is important to reduce the speed and slowly drill the other side of the plastic. Plug cutter: Use this to remove cylindrical shapes from the wood. It covers the screw using a small cylindrical plate. Tapping:- Tapping is the process by which internal threads are formed. It is performed either by hand or by machine. Minor diameter of the thread is drilled and then tapping is done. Fig. 11 show the tapping processes. Fig. 35 Hand taps and tapping process using tap wrench Fig. 36 Various operations performed on drilling machine Work Holding Devices 1. Machine Table Vice: The machine vice is equipped with jaws which clamps the work piece. The vice can be bolted to the drilling table or the tail can be swung around swung around. Fig. 13 shows the standard and swivel vice. The swivel vice is a machine wise that can be swivel through 360 ° on a horizontal plane. Fig:37 1. Step Blocks These are built to allow height adjustment for mounting the drilling jobs and are used with strap clamps and long T-slot bolts. 2. Clamps These are small, portable vises , which bears against the work piece and holding devices. Common types of clamps are C-clamp, Parallel clamp, machine strap clamp, U-clamp etc.. Fig. 14 shows the correct and incorrect methods of mounting the work piece. Fig:38 11. APPLICATION OF CNC MACHINES ? cutting ? drilling ? milling ? welding ? boring ? bending ? spinning ? pinning ? gluing ? sewing ? routing Its application in some industries like -Automotive Industry Aerospace Industry -Machinery Industry -Electrical Industry -Instrumentation Industry Automotive Industry Different Products Fig:39 Aerospace Industry Aircraft Turbine Machined by 5-Axis CNC Milling Machine Fig:40 12. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF CNC -Ease of Use ? CNC machines are easier for beginners ? Operation of several CNC machines at same time ? Some CNC machines donâ€℠¢t need any operator indeed call their operator in case of the emergencies. High Efficiency ? operate almost continuously 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Expanding Options ? Expand the machine’s capabilities with Software Changes and updates. No Prototyping ? new programmers provide elimination build a prototype, save time and money. Precision ? Parts are identical to each other. Reduce Waste ? Reduce waste as errors allows minimize wasted Material. Disadvantage of CNC Machines Cost CNC machinery: ? costs quite a lot more than conventional machinery. ? Does not eliminate the need for expensive tools. ? Expensive to repair. 13. CONCLUSION CNC machines which are applicable any type of processing. manufacturing anything is identical in shorter time. CNC machines provide many advantages. Many industries prefer using CNC machines. How to cite Mini Project, Papers
Strategic Managements Activities of Mc Donald-Samples for Students
Question: Analyze the strategic management activities that have been performed by McDonalds restaurant in the entire economy. Answer: Introduction The report helps in analysis of the current state of the marketing activities of the company named McDonalds that is based in USA. The current marketing strategy has to be analysed effectively with the proposed marketing strategy that will be applied by the company in the future. Proper frameworks have to be analysed in an effectual manner wherein this will help in synthesizing the leadership strategies and policies that can be used by McDonalds. The main aim and purpose of the report is to understand the strategic marketing concept in McDonalds as this will help in solving the different kind of difficulties in an effectual and appropriate manner. The proposed kind of marketing strategy is essential in nature to be adopted by McDonalds in order to enhance their activities to provide the different kind of products and services to the customers in an effectual manner. The structure of the report includes the analysis of the strategic management concepts along with other analysis that will help in analysing the marketing strategy that is helpful in attaining the proposed marketing strategy in an effectual manner. The different kind of leadership styles has to be discussed along with application of one of the concepts that will provide proper view on the marketing strategies that is used by McDonalds. About the company McDonalds is the American fast food Company that was founded in the year 1940 as the kind of restaurant that was operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald in United States of America("McDonald's: Burgers, Fries More. Quality Ingredients.", 2018). It is one of the fast food restaurants that was founded 77 years ago and the company is located in more than more than 36,900 locations till December 2016 and the revenues that has been earned by the company is more than US$24.622 billion (2016). McDonalds is the worlds largest chain of restaurant in terms of the revenue and profit and this is helping them in gaining huge competitive advantage in the market as well. The number of employees who are being employed under McDonalds is 375,000 and the operating income of the company is US$31.024 billion. McDonalds is known as for the different kind of hamburgers along with cheeseburgers as this is making them more effective and there has been introduction of different kind of salad, smoothies along with fish items in their menu that has been able to attract different kind of customers in the market as well. Furthermore, it has been seen that McDonalds revenues has been increased to a great extent and this is making them the second largest private employer in the entire market. Marketing of the company McDonalds strategic marketing plays a major role in developing the business as without proper kind of marketing strategy this will not be possible to attract the clients and this is inefficient in nature (Jrvinen Karjaluoto, 2015). It was seen that greatest achievement of McDonalds was the proper opening of Happy Meal to attract the children up-to the age of fourteen years. In the year 1970, McDonalds was searching the new techniques to catch the attention of the different customers in the market. The study indicated that the little ones are the different kind of great influencers in the decision-making technique (Taiminen Karjaluoto, 2014). The efficient SIPOC (supplier-Input-Process-Outputs-customer) model helps McDonalds in integrating the supplier, customer and organization to improve the quality level of the service is the strategic kind of advantage that will help in improving their business in an effectual manner (Rowley, 2016). The segmentation, positioning and targeting strategy that has been used by McDonalds helped the company in increasing the profitability of the company as well (Baker Saren, 2016). It has been seen that McDonalds uses the mix of demographics, psychographic and geographic variables that helps in segmenting the market and considering the different tastes and preferences of the customers. Due to the change in the pattern of the customers tastes and preferences, this will help them in increasing their profitability among the different age groups of the customers (Krajewski, Malhotra Ritzman, 2015). The present marketing mix of the Mac Donald company is as follows: Product: The company is a leading fast food company in the globe. Mc Donalds primarily sells chicken products, hamburgers, cheese burgers, breakfast, soft drink and desserts. In lieu of taking up the healthy aspect of the target market, the company has also started marketing salads, smoothies, fish wraps and fruits. Although Mc Donalds has tried to market various products and include wider menu options, the company is primarily famous for its burgers and French fries (Bhattacharya et al., 2017). The company customizes its products in various parts of the world according to the local taste. Price Mc Donalds uses various pricing strategies to attract the crowds and offer them a good meal at affordable prices. Mc Donalds makes use of price bundling strategy which offers bundling products with a happy meal offer for its customers. In order to ensure, that McDonalds is able to attract larger market, it has reduced its pricing offerings in various countries so as to ensure popularity; the company also gives additional offers and discounts to cater to the middle income group. The primary customers of Mc Donald are the group of people who want to enjoy a good meal at a genuine price. Promotion Mc Donalds spends a large amount of money on its various advertisement campaigns and takes the medium of various newspaper ads, billboards and sponsorship events like FIFA world cup, Little League and others to promote its products. The promotion style of Mc Donalds can be described as an aggressive one. It engages in various Television advertisements on channels whose viewers are the younger crowd. It wants to promote itself as an adaptable brand which sells a wide variety of goods and changes its taste as per the requirement of the given country (Emeana, 2013). The `I`m lovin it` campaign is very famous and popular. Place Mc Donalds restaurants are found in more than 110 countries in the globe with more than 36000 outlets worldwide. The company operates in various formats like Mc Drive, Mc Caf, Next and Mc Express as well. The restaurant functions in a self service format whereby the customers are allowed to make their own meals and facilities (Deng, Kang Low, 2013). The restaurants are located in various parts of the globe. Recently, Mc Donalds has started mobile based application and ordering in order to access the e-commerce market. IMC Strategy The IMC strategy of Mc Donalds involves Advertising using print media, TV Ads and others. It also uses various sales promotion activities like catering to the younger generation by aims of making their products even more popular. The restaurant has a well defined public relations plan which tends to offer help to the company in order to market its products. Proposed Marketing Strategy: The 12- month marketing strategy which has been proposed for the company has been given as follows: Product Mc Donalds has been back slashed very often for making use of various unhealthy ingredients in its products. For this reason, it has been suggested that Mc Donalds needs to revamp its market offering and indulge in a healthier meal option for the different customers. It can offer more vegetarian options for the various individuals as a majority of people all around have been planning to adopt a vegan way of life (Flammer, 2013). Price The company can also apply other pricing techniques apart from the present psychology pricing of using 9 in its price denominators (Saeidi et al., 2015). There are various online foods ordering applications available company can actually increase the prices of the products by observing the price of its competitors. This will ensure that the company is able to earn higher revenues. Place Although McDonalds has been successfully able to extend its operations in various parts of the globe, it is still not available widely on the digital platform. There is various online food ordering applications available like Zomato and UberEats where the customers tend to enjoy the experience at the comfort of their homes (Crane, Matten Spence, 2013). Becoming more prominent on the online domain will go a long way in helping the company to ensure that it is successfully able to capture the larger market. Promotion The company needs to revamp its promotional activities. In order to attract a larger crowd, the company can aim to improve its promotion strategies and make use of social media marketing in making its products very popular among the larger audience. The Gap existence As it can be observed that there exists a gap amongst the proposed plan for the next 12 months and the current market of the organization. The gap areas which need to fulfilled are as follows: The product offering- McDonalds needs to offer better vegetarian products for its markets as more and more customers are adopting for the vegan way of life. Place: The Company needs to be made available on the online food delivery applications to ensure it is able to cater to the needs of a larger crowd (Carroll, 2015). The company also needs to engage in social media marketing so that it is able to attract a larger audience. Social media marketing is one of the most used ways of promoting its products and it should be applied by the firm in order to ensure sustainable success. Leadership Proper leadership is essential in the organizations as this helped them in providing high morale to the employees in the organizations. The leadership is essential and it plays a major role in motivating the employees to perform better in the organization as well. McDonalds is one such companies that helps in looking into the different kind of principles that follows individualized store goals along with motivation to the employees who are performing in the organization (Baker Saren, 2016). McDonalds treat all the employees in an equal manner wherein this helps them in providing them the morale to perform the different activities in the organization in an appropriate manner (Chaffey, 2016). Presently, in the current scenario, it has been seen that McDonalds is using the creative problem-solving strategy in solving the different kind of issues with organizational resources and this helps them in accomplishing the different objectives of the organization as well. In McDonalds, it has been seen that all the employees know the way they are heading to and the contribution of the individuals in the organization as well (Tiago Verssimo, 2014). One of the most essential aspects of McDonalds planning strategy is that proper effectiveness is required in the supply chain management strategies. Proper timely delivery and quality raw materials helps in establishment of good relations with supply chain partners of McDonalds. Proper value-based leadership has been used by McDonalds restaurant wherein it is seen that all the employees are valued in performing the different kind of activities that is helping them in reducing the communication gap between the higher and lower level officials. The mission, vision along with representation of the ethics and values of the leaders and employees are valued in an effectual manner and this is increasing in maintaining similar kind of culture effectively. In McDonalds, the different kind of values of the different employees are being valued in an effectual and appropriate manner wherein this will help them in connecting with the personal values of the employees and this focuses more on the flexible kind of organizational culture as well. The flexible kind of work schedule is provided to the employees who are working in McDonalds and this has helped the entire organization in working in flexible working hours and this is helping them in performing in an effectual manner in the organization as well (Holliman Rowley, 2014). Furthermore, it has been seen that there are different kind of motivational tools that are used by the leaders of the organization wherein the employees work is motivated with the usage of such non-monetary and monetary rewards and this is helping the entire organization in solving the different kind of grievances of the employees in the organization in an appropriate manner (Spiller Tuten, 2015). Different kind of training programs are performed and adopted by McDonalds restaurant wherein it helps the company in making them effectual in nature to perform the different kind of tasks effectively (Charlesworth, 2018). Lastly, it was seen that there are different kind of appraisal systems wherein this helps the employees in the organization to provide them motivated and this helped the employees in satisfying the requirements of the customers effectually as well (Kannan, 2017). the turnover rate of the employees at McDonalds has been reduced to a great extent wherein it is seen that the employees are awarded for the best performance and this is increasing the morale of the employees as well (Shankar et al., 2016). Corporate Social Responsibility The Corporate Social Responsibility can be described as a form of self regulation program which is integrated into a business model. The Corporate social responsibility functions as a regulatory mechanism where the business has to ensure that it ensures that the company is able to monitor and act in compliance with the ethical standards (Ruggie, 2017). Apart from regulatory activities and statutory requirements, the company also needs to ensure that its actions are contributing to the success of the organization and contributes in making something good and valuable for the society at large (Schwartz, 2017). The various Corporate Social Responsibility strategies encourages a given company to make a positive impact on its stakeholders as well as the environment which comprises of various parties to the business like the employees, investors, communities and other related people in a business organization. Corporate Social Responsibility is considered to be important because: Better overall market performance- The companies who are able to portray a better corporate social responsibility practice are generally able to perform better overall performance. This enables the firm to increase its profits and perform better. Better stock price recovery- The companies who have an extensive corporate social responsibility practice at work, tend to observe a considerable rise in their stock prices in the stock prices. This is because companies like to associate themselves with firms with a better corporate social responsibility as it reflects that the company cares for its users (Tai Chuang, 2014). Better access to policy making and makers-The government is also supportive of those members who have a well defined corporate social responsibility plan at work (Clapp Rowlands, 2014). This helps them to divide their duty and serve the society at large in a better manner. This is reflected by the fact at those companies who have a better corporate social responsibility plan tend to gain help from the government in form of grants and gains. Improved employee talent-The employees want to associate themselves with firms that are engaged in a proper corporate social responsibility system. This is because the corporate social responsibility adapted by the companies reflects their attitude towards the welfare of the society at large. Higher employee engagement-The employees tend to perform even better if they are generally made a part of these activities which involve the betterment of the society at large (Cheng, Ioannou Serafeim, 2014). If the employees are involved in the development of the society it has proven to have increased their contribution towards productivity. The Corporate Social Responsibility of Mc Donalds The CSR at Mc Donalds involves ensuring that the company behaves in a socially ethical manner and deals ethically with the other parties who have been involved in the same. It involves activities like spreading public awareness and planning for future business operations (Takkar, 2015). According to the company`s corporate social website, the company takes into account serious responsibilities and maintains an open lines of communication with the various stakeholders and customers (Khan, Muttakin Siddiqui, 2013). The company has its own code of conduct for the different suppliers which set down various regulation acts for its relationship maintenance with the suppliers. The company is also working towards a sustainability project which aims to improve the conditions of the various farm workers in various underdeveloped nations. Mc Donalds is also engaged in various community base projects which are driven at becoming an important assistance among various companies. The company has made various contributions to the Flagship Farms Initiative which helps the farmers in showcasing various innovative farming techniques (Servaes Tamayo, 2013). The company is also engaged in a Sustainable Fisheries program for collaboration with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (Kilkenny, 2014). The company also donates a portion of its profits to the Ronald McDonald Housing Charities in particular to the care mobile attempts which aim to ensure that the various children in vulnerable communities to receive efficient medical health care facilities. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that McDonalds is one of the largest food chains in the entire market and this has been able to attract the different customer base in the economy. It has been seen that there are different kind of positive approaches in the marketing strategy that has been used by the company, however there are different kind of issues in the organizational strategy wherein this is causing huge loss of profit in their business. The effective marketing strategy will help in embarking sustainability projects in an effectual manner and this created huge scope for them to promoting good environmental practices. Furthermore, it has been seen that the current marketing strategy is essential and helpful in nature, however there can be different kind of technological advancements in the strategies of marketing 4Ps wherein they can introduce the different kind of effective strategic management activities wherein this includes inclusion of the food delivery applications along with inclusion of different other variety of the food items for the vegetarian individuals. It has been seen that the corporate social responsibility that has been performed by McDonalds is huge in nature wherein they are performing different social activities that has helped the environment in overcoming the different challenges in an effectual manner. It has been seen that the corporate social responsibility activities policy of McDonalds is related to different kind of campaigns that has helped them in obtaining a competitive gain and advantage in the entire competitive market as well. The marketing strategy of McDonalds has helped the company in including different age group of individuals who has helped the company in becoming the largest restaurants in the entire market. Lastly, it has been seen that there are different CSR activities with sustainable supply chain strategy and this will help the company in providing wider framework to them effectually. References Baker, M.J. Saren, M. eds., (2016).Marketing theory: a student text. Sage. Bhattacharya, C. 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Sunday, May 3, 2020
Anne Sexton Biography Essay Example For Students
Anne Sexton Biography Essay The third decade of the twentieth century brought on more explicit writers than ever before, but none were as expressive as Anne Sexton. Her style of writing, her works, the image that she created, and the crazy life that she led are all prime examples of this. Known as one of the most confessional poets of her time, Anne Sexton was also one of the most criticized. She was known to use images of incest, adultery, and madness to reveal the depths of her deeply troubled life, which often brought on much controversy. Despite this, Anne went on to win many awards and go down as one of the best poets of all time. Anne Sexton was born Anne Gray Harvey on November 9, 1928 in Newton, Massachusetts to Ralph Churchill and Mary Gray Staples Harvey Discovering Biographies 1. From then on, Sexton spent most of her life in the affluent, upper-middle class suburbs of Boston Discovering Biographies 2. According to many of the experiences described in her poems, she led a very unhappy childhood thats horrifying memories affected her throughout her life. To overcome her troubles, she married at age nineteen and attempted to settle into the role of housewife and mother Discovering Biographies 2. Shortly after her marriage, Anne enrolled in a modeling course at the Hart Agency and lived in San Francisco and Baltimore Academy of American Poets 1. During this time Anne was also educated at Earland Junior College from 1947- 1948 Twentieth Century American Literature 2. Through out her early twenties, Sexton began to experience bouts of depression that eventually led to hospitalization Discovering Biographies 2. In 1955, after the birth of her second daughter, Sexton attempted suicide Discovering Biographies 2. She was then placed under the care of Dr. Martin Orne, who encouraged her to write poems as a form of therapy Discovering Biographies 1. Poetry gave me a rebirth at age twenty-nine American Literature 3591, Anne quoted many times during her career. Anne deeply admired and attempted to emulate the confessional poem Hearts Needle by Shodgrass Discovering Biographies 2. Sexton decided to enroll in Robert Lowells graduate writing seminar at the Boston Center for Adult Education Discovering Biographies 2. She then went on to be a scholar at the Radcliffe Institute for Independent Study from 1961- 1963 American Literature 3596. During the nineteen-sixties, Anne gave spirited public readings accompanied by the music group, Her Kind Discovering Biographies 1. Despite her literary success, Sexton continually battled depression and psychosis. She began writing extremely personal verse concerning her experiences as a mental patient Discovering Biographies 1. The chronic mental illness that controlled Annes life was the anguished center of her familys life Linda Sexton 1. Anne was extremely possessive of her daughter Linda and also confessed to having murderous impulses towards her Linda Sexton 1. I made myself numb, made my body like stone in exchange for my mothers love Annes eldest daughter exclaimed Linda Sexton 1. In 1974, Anne committed suicide using carbon monoxide Discovering Biographies 2. Even though Anne led an extremely confusing life, she was said to have lived it as a treasury that would be remembered forever. Annes open style of writing was a very debatable issue. Some thought Sexton was one of the best known and most controversial of the confessional poets, a group composed of New England writers who rose to prominence in the nineteen-sixties Contemporary Literary Criticism 311. While others believed as her notoriety grew, Sexton became unable to separate her life and her art Litz 669. Sextons work offers the reader an intimate view of the emotional anguish that characterized her life Academy of American Poets 1. Annes early poetry was said to be hopeful and joyful while it became much darker in her latter years American Literature 3591. She was said to see poetry as a physical experience and she used imagery as the heart of poetry Anne Sexton 1. Her favorite topics were sex, illegitimacy, guilt, madness, and suicide Roth Publishing 1. Anne was often compared to Sylvia Plath but distinguishes herself from Plath in her interest in the flesh rather than in emblem of pain and mutilation Ame rican Literature 3596. Some people believed Annes style made her a bad artist while others saw it as an amazing gift. .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .postImageUrl , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:hover , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:visited , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:active { border:0!important; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:active , .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601 .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u759a25283be7b6798aee7a939245f601:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: To Kill A Mockingbird, Three Representations of Mockingbirds EssayThrough out her career, Anne wrote not only poetry but also short stories and books for children as well. Sextons first book, To Bedlam and Part Way Back, was published in nineteen-sixty, a year after her mother and father died. It was said to be very autobiographical in nature Anne Sexton 2. Annes Love Poems were published in nineteen-sixty nine Academy of American Poets 2. The book, Transformations was published two years later Academy of American Poets 2. Many other works were created in the years that followed including The Double Image which evokes rage, guilt, and love, and Live or Die which was said t o be one of her best works Anne Sexton 1. Sexton believed that complete honesty and self-revelation were an essential to creative work, so this was often the basis of her poetry. Upon the publication of Annes Selected Poems, she was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature The Complete Poems 8. She also won the Pulitzer Prize and was a finalist for the National Book Award as well Anne Sexton 1. Although many of Annes works were somewhat explicit, they were an extremely important contribution to the collection of art. In my opinion, Anne Sexton was a very talented writer. Although her work consisted of extremely personal issues, I feel it was just her own way of expressing her pain. It seems that poetry was the only way that Anne experienced some kind of freedom from her life. From what I have read, Anne had a terrible life, from her childhood to her adulthood, the struggles she went through seemed endless. Sextons early poetry, from what I have read, is very happy and hopeful. I enjoyed reading some of her earlier pieces. The poems she had written the last couple years of her life were depressing and much different then her earlier works. I do not feel Anne is a very good influence on her readers, because by killing herself, she put off the image that when there seems to be no way out, just give up. People that are admired and placed high in society are greatly influential, and hopefully others that read her work that are going through hard times will not give up as she did, but see the whole picture, and be strong. Overall, Anne Sexton was not a bad person. She had a rough life and was very confused, and although not all of her work is very positive, Anne herself can be looked at as a lesson. Even when everything is going wrong, dont give up, because doing that is not going to make anything any better. This is what I have personally learned from Anne Sexton and I hope other readers may see this as well. Anne Sexton was known to be one of the most confessional poets of the nineteen-sixties, and also one of the most debated. She used explicit images of sex, suicide, and madness that revealed the struggles she had overcome throughout her life. Even though very controversial, her works were well appreciated and will be remembered in times to come. The expressive style Anne used and her own personal experience that she reflects on in her writing, attracts many readers and provides them with the encouragement they need to go on. No matter how graphic, qualities like this will attract many generations to come.
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