Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Basic Facts of Relevant Topics for Essay Writing
The Basic Facts of Relevant Topics for Essay Writing In a normal college assignment, you are going to be requested to express yourself quite often. On our site you'll find considerably more useful special information that is certain to be beneficial for junior and higher school kids from, like common home task essay about Hamlet, along with, for instance, application essays for college for future students. The tools available for essay serve the purpose of special heights of the academic curricula. Obviously, there are lots of other college essay topics to select from. The essay topics are categorized in various groups only for the ease of readers. Hence, if you believe banking essays are boring just like your organization studies are, then you're probably wrong here. Banking essays can be real fun to play with if you've got an exhaustive understanding about the discipline and have keen interest in writing, so should you think that you cannot write decent banking essays than again you're mistaken. Writing an intriguing essay about trendy topics is an opportunity to reveal your understanding of the planet. The standard of your topic will decide the grading of the paper. To begin with, you wish to choose the form of content you're creating. The multiple topics could possibly be found, for instance, in the dissertation abstracts international database. Also, you're going to be able to come across the best choices for your essay, which means you can choose simply the ideal information, allowing readers to find the greatest possible understanding. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Relevant Topics for Essay Writing Essay writing can be rather a challenge. Just stick to the guidelines stated above, and you'll be well on your way to writing a decent persuasive essay. If you need assistance with your writing assignment you'll be able to hire essay writer online. Firstly, you have to be aware of the suitable format of essay writing. The Good, the Bad and Relevant Topics for Essay Writing Clearly, you shouldn't purposely choose a topic that will bore your audience. You might discover that several of the topics can be adapted to suit almost any sort of writing assignment. If you aren't interested in this issue, writing about it is going to look like it takes forever so find something which you like. There are a number of topics that can be heatedly discussed between true fans. When you are finished with your essay, you must not merely check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. It is possible to also restate the ideas you've discussed in the body paragraphs in order to make your point valid. Despite the fact that you're likely to choose only one among them, they may allow you to put in writing a better dissertation by making use of their leads. Most the topics utilized for writing process essays are associated with academics. Fortunately, the job of writing an academic essay gets much easier when you understand how to structure paragraphs. Essay writing skills is a hard and time-consuming undertaking. If your essay is describing a process, including how to make a huge chocolate cake, make sure your paragraphs fall in the proper purchase. Inside my experience, descriptive essays are only difficult in regards to deciding just what things to write about. Understanding Relevant Topics for Essay Writing If you wish to compose a controversial essay, you definitely should look for the very best social issues topics or satire topics. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure to do your homework on what the present laws about your preferred topic actually say. Before studying the top rated informative essay topics, it's important to ask what makes a great topic. Qualities of a great persuasive essay topic The topic ought to be specific. Essay writing is a significant portion of the XAT Exam especially because it's conducted together with the principal exam. Researching the topic will permit you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. Creative essays should have a topic. Writing a great persuasive essay is not a simple job, however, it's achievable. A Secret Weapon for Relevant Topics for Essay Writing Be certain your writing is short, easy, and direct. You see, the conventions of English essays are somewhat more formulaic than you may think and, in a lot of ways, it can be as easy as counting to five. Essay writing examples in doc format like the ones given may help lead you in writing a superior composition. Be sure your writing has no jargons and nonessential words. A Startling Fact about Relevant Topics for Essay Writing Uncovered Finding an essay topic can at times be a very challenging task if you're not assigned a topic by your professor. If you're genuinely interested in a topic then it is a lot simpler to study and you're less likely to stop. The very best topic for your essay is one which is aligned with your subject of study. Picking out the correct essay topic does take a small work and thought. An essay has to be composed of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. An essay outline is a set of ideas and ideas applicable to the subject issue. As any guide about how to compose a persuasive essay will inform you, your essay has to be organized in paragraphs with a logical progression from 1 paragraph to the next. Taking a couple of minutes at the start to structure your essay can help you save you valuable writing time later.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Relationship of The Wall Street Crash and The Great...
The Relationship of The Wall Street Crash and The Great Depression In this essay I will be explaining the causes of the Great Depression The Wall Street Crash was the drop in share prices in 1929.The Great Depression was the period in the 1930’s when the USA and other countries like Germany suffered a great deal of poverty i.e. hunger, unemployment, homelessness. Throughout this essay it will be explained how the Wall Street crash was a cause of the Great Depression but it was not the only cause as there were many other factors that also led to the Great Depression. I think the next long term cause was of the Great Depression was the inequality between the rich and the poor. This was a†¦show more content†¦Because of this the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer especially the farmers and the ethnic minorities. The farmers and the ethnic minorities were already in depression, as they could not afford to buy any of the consumer goods and if they could they could not afford to pay for electricity or the fuel to use them. Actions of the banks was also a cause of the Great Depression although it a was a short term cause as it this only became apparent after the Wall Street Crash that the banks had leant too much money to the speculators. In the sense that they should not have leant so much money to anybody and everybody they would also not have lent the savings of some people out to other people. They also encouraged people to borrow money, which made them go into debt, which led to the Great Depression, as the speculators who had borrowed money could not pay the banks back as they had no jobs and the share prices had gone right down. The government was also to blame for the actions of the banks as they had given the banks too much freedom and had allowed them to lend as much money as they wanted to people. The government could have had control over this by limiting the amount of money they could lend to the people. Actions of the speculators was another short term linked toShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Of The 1920s1346 Words  | 6 Pagesthe long run, simply could not be sustained. The Wall Street stock market crashed in October 1929 and this triggered the beginning of a Depression for many nations of the developed world. The crash sent the city of New York into economic chaos and although the Great Depression began as an American problem, it was soon felt throughout most of the developed nations during the 1930s by crippling their economies (Schedvin, 1970). The Great Depression was the harshest and longest lasting economic downRead MoreThe Great Depression By Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal Legislation1115 Words  | 5 PagesWhat do you think about when you hear The Great Depression? Some might say the worst economic time in the United States of America. The Great Depression was one of the longest and innermost economic downturn in the world of history between the years of 1929 and 1939. Also, The Great Depression led to the Federal Government having a more involved role in America s economy, this was done through the creation of Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal Legislation, which turned out to be effective becauseRead MoreThe Shady Shift After World War I1166 Words  | 5 Pagesenjoyed the new amenities and frivolous spending, no one knew what was going on with the banks. Most people were extremely overjoyed with all the money coming in, it hadn’t occurred to them what problems were happening. The Great Depression wasn t just caused by the Stock Market Crash but by false prosperity, and overproduction, which affected people s social life, banks, and unemployment across the country. It was only nine short years of prosperity until a dark cloud came rolling in across the countryRead MoreThe Great Depression : Severe Economic Crisis1724 Words  | 7 PagesThe Great Depression was a severe economic crisis that began after the stock market crash in 1929. Afterwards, laws were put into place to prevent the depression from happening again. The Great Depression had a major impact on the economy and the people who experienced the event. The people began to buy products only when the money was available, and became conservatives for the remainder of their lives. The United States was pushed into having a better economic system because of the Great DepressionRead MoreEconomics is a Part of History2129 Words  | 9 Pagesand even before people would trade things with a price. Economics is a major part i n history, as it is the foundation for many great countries. Places like France and Britain have their own economic system, and so do places like America. However, there are times when the economy fails miserably. Such a time was during the Great Depression at the time of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and even nowadays due to the Financial Crisis of 2007-08. These crashes show how Americas economy once failed itselfRead MoreThe World s Economy Was Devastated1732 Words  | 7 Pages Assignment 4 GEOG200 Bradley Bache 3129292 Submitted September 10, 2015 In 1929, the western world’s economy was devastated. With the crash of the United States Wall Street, the realm drove into what is now known as the â€Å"Great Recession†. Its neighbour to the north, Canada also felt these affects as unemployment and poverty grew. After a decade of despair, the massive rise in government spending for the Second World War and the reductions in taxes, the economies returned to prosperRead MoreThe Great Depression : A Economic Catastrophe Of All Times1489 Words  | 6 PagesThe great depression has been considered the biggest economic catastrophe of all times, it was a crisis that affected every individual in the United States and it extended to other countries in the globe. The unemployment rate grew from 5 million of people to 13 million from 1929 to 1930. Little kids were put into headwork in order to support their families, it was a period of desperation and starvation that left a mark in American history. So what open the doors to this economic crisis? We willRead MoreThe Government Has A Positive Impact On Economic Sustainability1852 Words  | 8 Pagesmaintain a healthy economy. Case Background Describe the business/social/political environment? The financial institutions are primarily located in New York City and they are also known as Wall Street. These institutions are located at the lower part of Manhattan, which is the home of the New York Stock Exchange. Wall Street is mainly made up of large U.S. brokerages and investment banks such as Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and more. These banks manage to raise capital through investments,Read MoreA comparison between The Great Depression and Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck622 Words  | 3 PagesThe Great Depression is comparable to Lennie and George s life. I would like to give a comparison of George Milton and Lennie Small to the Great Depression. The time that this story took place was during the Great Depression. John Steinbeck captured the reality of this most difficult time. During the Great Depression people needed to travel together to share chores and duties to make a living until something better came along. That is the way George and Lennie traveled. They traveled togetherRead MoreA Comparison of Of Mice and Men and The Great Depression an Eyewitn697 Words  | 3 PagesA Comparison of Of Mice and Men and The Great Depression An Eyewitness History The Great Depression is comparable to Lennie and Georges life. I would like to give a comparison of George Milton and Lennie Small to the Great Depression. The time that this story took place was during the Great Depression. John Steinbeck captured the reality of this most difficult time. During the Great Depression people needed to travel together to share chores and duties to make a living until something
Monday, December 9, 2019
Logistics Inter-Models Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Logistics Inter-Models DHL India. Answer: Introduction Globalization has brought rapid changes to the world of international business. It has highly influenced the international pattern of business. On other hand, it has also influenced the relevant operations. Nevertheless, the supply of good, which was only limited for an inter country supply; it has now widened its area of reach. The globalization has redefined the supply chain management and made this more complicated. Interestingly, most of the manufacturing is also done in some foreign locations such as in China (Mangan and Lalwani 2016). However, the complexity in the supply chain has widely contributed to the even more complex intermodal network of supply chain. It varies from place to place. This assignment is considering the intermodal related problem with the DHL Company in India. In India, the logistic operations are becoming more complex as most of the train intermodal mode is now getting shifted to the various on road intermodal modes such as tankers, lorries tailors and tr ucks (Chandra and Jain 2007). The main purpose of this assignment is to identify one intermodal flaw in the logistics operations in India. Moreover, this would also identify the relevant issue, which the chosen Company DHL is facing in India. Analysis In the long past, trains and ships were the two most powerful options in India as a option for freight lifting. However, these were radically the slowest moving transport modes. The luggage carrying trains and the ships take usually longer time than some other modes of transportation. The freight moving with the help of aeroplanes is also not possible in bulk amount as it has its own limitations. This has resulted in incepting some innovative concepts in the existing logistic operations to boost the efficiency of the existing logistic industry. To serve the same purpose, different kinds of heavy vehicles and the light vehicles were being introduced each serving the different purposes. Lights vehicle used to travel to some shorter distances with comparatively fewer loads carriage; however, heavy vehicles were being used for transporting heavy loads for long distances. The main problem with this intermodal is the existing system of recruitment and selection in the mentioned logistic op eration. Companies like DHL, which is highly reputed, it is necessary that they maintain highest standards of customer service. However, the intermodal modes is relying heavily on some untrained and yet unqualified drivers and the owners majorly (Chandra and Jain 2007). This is nothing but pushing the products to some kinds of risks. This is because that sometimes drivers used to have drunk and in such situations, they drive carelessly. This is nothing but playing with the lives of common passersby on the roads and with the loaded cargo. A high amount of intermodal modes have been shifted to the road transports and the rates are even elevating high. This is the one vital challenge in front of the DHL Company in India as they are getting high business offers, which is getting hampered to some extent with such transport modes in the country. Their commitments are at high stakes with the road transports and the illiterate drivers and the owners (Grant, Trautrims and Wong 2015). Existing Supply Chain Management of DHL Figure 1: DHL Supply Chain Process Source: (, 2017) The above diagram shows the entire operation involved in the international supply chain of DHL. The very first process includes the planning for the supply chain, which is then followed by collecting materials from the suppliers at the required time. Different manufacturers at the different places then manufacture the product across the globe. The manufactured products of irrespective are then sent to the DHL from different manufacturers where they customize it and store it for rolling the products accordingly. The very next stage then comes is the delivery of products, which they send to every different locations based on their set networks of reach. They use various methods of intermodal such as Road Transports, Rail Transports, and Sea Transports. The last process of the supply chain involves one of the most vital things in a supply chain, which is complicating the business of many. The one is Reverse Logistic Process, which is the last process of the supply chain of DHL ( n, 2017). Current problem in the chosen intermodal for DHL The chosen intermodal is having some system problem, which has been highly contributed by the illiterate drivers and the owners. In India, the transport system is not very effective; however, numerous highways are being manufactured in numerous places but still the transport system has some flaws. The different kinds of road transport system have to enter the city areas also for some extent, which is when it creates problem for the common problem and for the shipment of the cargo also. The shipment is then hampered by the highly traffic congestions in the city areas, which result in many service related flaws such as follows: Late delivery of the shipment in some cases Service standard of the different logistics companies such as DHL Customers faiths on the concerned logistics companies Poor system of reverse logistics (RL), which is an highly elevated problems in the current logistic system in most of the countries Nevertheless, some of the above-cited issues are announcing about a highly complex intermodal for the logistic operation. The current situation is not only challenging for the different logistics companies but also for the local governments. It is very difficult to isolate the different kinds of heavy vehicles from the city areas as numerous logistics companies have their different branches in the citys locations only. The highly incrementing international business deals and the global transportation of goods through logistic system have enhanced the business profitability. On other hand, it has also widened the aspects for the problem in the logistic operation. DHL Company, which is one of the biggest names in the logistic industry, is providing its services to approximately around 220 countries (, 2017). However, the company is facing some intermodal transport modes related problems in the country. The country is very highly relying on the road transportation modes followe d by the Rails and the Ships. The shifting of the transportation modes has provided some solutions to the transporting speed; however, it is itself suffering of the same problem but because of some otherwise reason. The road transports are faster than both the roads and the rails; however, the performance of delivery gets hampered because of its city operations. The highly congested streets with the numerous kinds of vehicles and the local publics have all collectively widened the problem for the on time delivery of the shipment. The road transport is growing in its popularity with the passage of every day; however, it is enhancing its dependency on some private owners those who provide their vehicles to logistic companies. The elevating dependency on the private owners and the illiterate drivers are lessening the bargaining power of the logistic companies (Coyle et al. 2015). This is making it expensive than some other countries. The owners of the vehicles are demanding huge amount s of payments for their works, which is less negotiable. This is serving the betterment of the owners and the drivers but not the betterment of the company, which eyes on the maximum possibilities of the demands reduction. The highly growing numbers of heavy vehicles are also not helping in the reduction of demands. The high incur of costs in the logistic operation is manageable to some extent but the biggest worries for the logistic companies such as DHL are the existing transport system in India. The owners and the drivers are far away from any technological advancement. They do not even know anything about some useful smart features such as tracking a place on the map inbuilt in their mobiles phones. If they could have done this, DHL could have provided their drivers with an inbuilt location-tracking device using which the drivers cold have taken some alternative ways to prevent them from traffic congestion. This could have saves some sufficient amount of time, which would have h elped them in improving their shipments delivery system to a notable extent. The local government of India is also not very active in this regard, as they are most of the time busy with their political comments. They are good in doing political rallies but they have very few times for the improvements. They think that just constructing some good numbers of highways would provide the solution. These developments are very handful in connecting wide area of network in the country to a single thread. However, problems that persist in the city areas have not yet found any solutions (Li 2014). The local government and the common civilian have to do some astonishing jobs to actually put some controls on the system. Sustainability issues The chosen heavy vehicle industry is also troubling its future for its low scoring on the sustainability aspects. These heavy vehicles emit high amount of pollutions, which are highly evitable on the roads. However, the local government of India is deploying some good thoughts in the production lines for the heavy vehicles. They are introducing every time some good performing vehicles than their traditional generations. However, they are still struggling to meet with the normal allowed pollution rate. The newly introduced BSIV vehicles are better than the BSIII one; however, it has still not provided solutions to the pollution related problems (Sharma et al. 2014). According to Pereseina et al. (2014), Automotive industry especially the heavy vehicles have set up such systems that they are directly or indirectly contributing in the economic betterment of the respective city or the country. They are carrying loads of work responsibilities and the businesses of numerous high-end compan ies. In other words, they are supporting the business, as transportation of goods is extremely important for any purpose such as products supply to companies, raw materials supplies to some construction sites etc. The highly polluting environment of the country notably because of the heavy vehicles is a serious concern both for the owners and for the local government. Owners might attract some legal actions against them from the local government for violating the normal permissible emission rules. This happens when vehicles gets old such as more then 4 or 5 years old, they start struggling with their performance and this is when they attract the penalties of the local government. It is also troubling the local government because the growing pressures on the environment are also putting pressures on the government for taking some strict actions against such vehicles. However, they cannot do so because it is very challenging to cancel the licences of high number of vehicles in the cou ntry (Russo and Comi 2012). The sustainability of the environment is also getting troubled because of the systems of businesses, which the logistic companies have. They supplies goods to their customers as well as to their business clients. In the B2B business, heavy vehicles are kept stand on the roads for loading and unloading purposes. This also adds to the fact that the city areas in India have now become highly congested because of various reasons such as road blocking by heavy vehicles for loading and unloading purposes. Recommendations Following are some of the highly recommended techniques for mitigating the heavy vehicle sustainability, which is at stake because of incrementing air pollution and for the logistic operation of DHL in India. Following technologies would better help reduce the pollution from the heavy vehicles; however, the implementation of these technologies depends entirely on the level of emission reduction required and the set budgets for the implementation (ClientEarth, 2017): Using a Wall-Flow Filter as it enables a proper emission of the gaseous particles thereby, help get filtered before they goes out. It systematically blocks the free passage of the gas and makes it possible to filter the emission gases before they come out. Incepting a partial Flow Filter as they are especially coated with some precious metal catalysts, which retards and reduce partially the emission of gaseous substances such as carbon monoxide. These filters are cheaper than the Wall-Flow Filters; however, they have fewer effects on stopping the unnecessary emission of the gaseous particles. Introducing Diesel Oxidation Catalyst, this is largely being used to reduce the emission of some highly infectious gaseous substances such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. DHL should offer high time delivery in place of low time delivery for the ordered products. This would prevent them from getting late on delivery because of some external causes such as highly congested city roads. The local government of India can take some initiatives to mitigate the rising threats; however, it is very challenging also. The local government of India has introduced a modern version of the existing BSIII vehicle and replaced those with the latest BSIV vehicles. This is believed to produce less pollution than its predecessors do (Urdhwareshe 2013). Conclusion Logistic operations are a complex process, which is creating problems for many logistic companies. DHL is also having problems in delivering the products on time. The problem is readily observed with the companys operation in India. However, the problem is not only with the DHL Company as several other companies such as FedEx are also having the same problem. This is because of the fact that in India, the intermodal modes of transportation has been largely shifted to the various kinds of road transports. The shipment of logistic items is now highly relying on heavy vehicles, which are one of the highest contributors of air pollution in India. Another problem is the congested city road through, which these vehicles have to initiate their journeys. Moreover, the presence of numerous logistic companies in the city areas is contributing to the cause. Companies such as Gati, DHL and FedEx have their numerous offices in the city areas. The highly emission harmful gaseous particles are dist urbing the environment, which is raising question against the sustainability issues of the heavy vehicles in the market. However, literally the local government of India is taking some initiatives to reduce the harmful particles to the maximum possibilities; however, the factual things are very different. References Chandra, P. and Jain, N., 2007. The logistics sector in India: Overview and challenges.World Scientific Series on 21st Century Business, p.105. ClientEarth. 2017. ClientEarth. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2017]. Coyle, J.J., Novack, R.A., Gibson, B. and Bardi, E.J., 2015.Transportation: A Global Supply Chain Perspective. Cengage Learning. 2017. DHL | International Supply Chain Management | English. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2017]. 2017. DHL | Our Organization | English. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2017]. Grant, D.B., Trautrims, A. and Wong, C.Y., 2015.Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Revised Edition). Kogan Page Publishers. Kathuria, R., Urdhwareshe, P. and Ghosh, D., 2014. Institutional pathways to promote efficiency in logistics: the case of India.Asian Journal. Li, L., 2014.Managing Supply Chain and Logistics: Competitive Strategy for a Sustainable Future. World Scientific Publishing Co Inc. Mangan, J. and Lalwani, C. 2016. Global logistics and supply chain management. 3rd ed. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Manners-Bell, J., 2014.Supply chain risk: Understanding emerging threats to global supply chains. Kogan Page Publishers. Monczka, R.M., Handfield, R.B., Giunipero, L.C. and Patterson, J.L., 2015.Purchasing and supply chain management. Cengage Learning. Pereseina, V., Jensen, L.M., Hertz, S. and Cui, L., 2014, January. Challenges and Conflicts in Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Evidence from the Heavy Vehicle Industry. InSupply Chain Forum: An International Journal(Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 22-32). Taylor Francis. Rushton, A., Croucher, P. and Baker, P., 2014.The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Russo, F. and Comi, A., 2012. City characteristics and urban goods movements: A way to environmental transportation system in a sustainable city.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,39, pp.61-73. Sharma, S., Jain, S., Goel, A., Kumar, A., Mahtta, R., Datt, D., Kundu, S., Aggarwal, P. and Sharma, P., 2014. Advancement of Fuel Quality and Vehicle Emissions Norms to Improve Urban Air Quality in India.TERI Policy Brief, pp.1-8. Urdhwareshe, R., 2013. Automotive industry: regulations scenario in India.ISA Vision Summit. Waters, D. and Rinsler, S., 2014.Global logistics: New directions in supply chain management. Kogan Page Publishers. Wisner, J.D., Tan, K.C. and Leong, G.K., 2014.Principles of supply chain management: A balanced approach. Cengage Learning.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Night Mare Essays - Del Rey Books, Magic In Fiction, Fiction
Night Mare This book is called Night Mare. It is written by Piers Anthony. In this book, the nextwave of barbarian warriors invade a place called Xanth ravaging and destroying as they advanced. But a Mare named Imbrium has her own problems. She has started to mishandle her job of delivering bad dreams. Now the Night Stallion dismissed her, exiling her to the day world. Piers Anthony is the pen name of Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob. He was born on August 6th, 1934 in Oxford England. He has written over 100 novels in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and martial arts. Some of his other books include, Split Infinity and Changing the Lady. In Xanth, deserving people receive nightmares. They are delivered by "Night Mares" from the gourd. The gourd resembles a Mundane squash with a hole on the surface. If one peeps into the hole, they become entranced into the gourd. Their body stays outside, but their soul goes into the land of the gourd. The only way to be released, is if someone blocks the victims' view of the peephole. Inside the gourd there are several sections, the graveyard, the city of Brassies and all kinds of spooky stuff. When you go into the gourd and then leave, when you look at the peephole again it takes you right back to the place you left. Inside the gourd is where nightmares are made. Nightmares are each constructed for each individual who is to receive it. People must have nightmares. If they didn't, they wouldn't have any consciences. Nightmares make you a better person. The Night Stallion is in charge of the gourd. He assigns the nightmares to the "Night Mares" who deliver the bad dreams all over Xanth and sometimes Mundania. Night Mares are solid black and are immortal. They phase out in the darkness and travel all night delivering nightmares. You can tell that one has been there by the hoof prints they leave behind. The most famous Night Mare is Mare Imbrium. She had always had a secret desire to see a rainbow. Since Night Mares can not be out in the day, she had never seen one. After she received half a soul, which ruined her, she no longer had the right attitude to deliver her nightmares with the malice in which they were to be delivered. So the Night Stallion fired her and sent her to day duty. Day Mares deliver day dreams. They also have been known to show up in Mundania. After she became a Day Mare, Mare Imbrium was told by the Night Stallion to deliver a message "beware the horseman". This started an adventure that consisted of saving the whole of Xanth. I hated this book because it is a science fiction book and it was so boring to read. Although it kept me going for a couple of chapters, it got really hard to read after about the fourth chapter. Night Mare is written by Piers Anthony. I didn't like the book very much because it is a science fiction. It was about Night Mares that bring bad dreams to people that deserve them.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
El and La With Country and Place Names in Spanish
El and La With Country and Place Names in Spanish Use of the definite article, the equivalent of the in English, with country or place names is much more common in Spanish than in English, although it is not often required. The definite articles in Spanish are el and la, both meaning, the. El is used to modify masculine nouns or places. La is used to modify feminine nouns or places. The only case where the definite article is used in most all cases is if you are modifying a country or place with an adjective or a prepositional phrase. For example, Soy de Espaà ±a means Im from Spain, and no definite article is needed. But, if the place becomes modified with an adjective, like being called, beautiful, then the definite article is retained. For example, Soy de la Espaà ±a hermosa, which means, Im from beautiful Spain. Another example, there is no definite article in Mà ©xico es interesante, meaning, Mexico is interesting, but, there is the definite article in El Mà ©xico del siglo XVI era interesante, meaning, 16th-century Mexico was interesting. Four Countries and a City That Should Keep the Definite Article Unfortunately, there is no way to predict when to use the definite article, although most of the time where English uses the definite article, such as when referring to the Dominican Republic or The Hague, Spanish does also. The following list included the countries that should have the definite article used in most cases, although Spanish language rules are not strict about it. El Cairo ​ La Haya (The Hague) ​ La India ​ La Repà ºblica Dominicana ​ El Salvador Other Place Names That Use a Definite Article So while you can say el Brasil to refer to Brazil, Brasil by itself will also do just fine in most cases. The article seems to be used more often in speech than in contemporary writing. For example in newspapers and online references in Spanish, Estados Unidos, the Spanish translation for United States, is frequently written without the article. Following are the most common countries and places that may have a definite article: La Arabia Saudita (Saudi Arabia) ​ La Argentina el Brasil (Brazil) ​ el Camerà ºn (Cameroon) ​ el Canad ​ la China ​ el Cuzco (city in Peru) ​ el Ecuador ​ los Estados Unidos (the United States) ​ las Filipinas (the Philippines) ​ la Florida ​ la Habana (Havana) ​ el Irak (Iraq) ​ el Irn ​ el Japà ³n (Japan) ​ el Là bano (Lebanon) ​ La Meca (Mecca) ​ el Nepal ​ los Paà ses Bajos (the Netherlands) ​ el Pakistn ​ el Paraguay ​ el Perà º ​ el Reino Unido (the United Kingdom) ​ el Senegal ​ la Somalia ​ el Sudn ​ el Tibet ​ el Uruguay ​ el Vietnam ​ el Yemen
Saturday, November 23, 2019
History of the Textile Industry
History of the Textile Industry The major steps in the manufacture of textiles and clothes are: Harvest and clean the fiber or wool.Card it and spin it into threads.Weave the threads into cloth.Fashion and sew the cloth into clothes. Great Britains Lead in Textile Machinery During the early eighteenth century, Great Britain was determined to dominate the textile industry. Laws forbade the export of English textile machinery, drawings of the machinery, and written specifications of the machines that would allow them to be constructed in other countries. Britain had the power loom, a steam-powered, mechanically-operated version of a regular loom for weaving. Britain also had the spinning frame that could produce stronger threads for yarns at a faster rate. Meanwhile the stories of what these machines could do excited envy in other countries. Americans were struggling to improve the old hand loom, found in every house, and to make some sort of a spinning machine to replace the spinning wheel by which one thread at a time was laboriously spun. American Failures with Textile Machinery and the American Textile Industry Flounders In 1786, in Massachusetts, two Scotch immigrants, who claimed to be familiar with Richard Arkwrights British-made spinning frame, were employed to design and build spinning machines for the mass production of yarn. The inventors were encouraged by the U.S. government and assisted with grants of money. The resulting machines, operated by horse power, were crude, and the textiles produced irregular and unsatisfactory. In Providence, Rhode Island another company tried to build spinning machines with thirty-two spindles. They worked badly and all attempts to run them by water-power failed. In 1790, the faulty machines were sold to Moses Brown of Pawtucket. Brown and his partner, William Almy, employed enough hand-loom weavers to produce eight thousand yards of cloth a year by hand. Brown needed working spinning machinery, to provide his weavers with more yarn, however, the machines he bought were lemons. In 1790, there was not a single successful power-spinner in the United States. How Did the Textile Revolution Finally Happen in the United States? The textile industry was founded by the work and importance of the following businessmen, inventors, and inventions: Samuel Slater and MillsSamuel Slater has been called both the Father of American Industry and the Founder of the American Industrial Revolution. Slater built several successful cotton mills in New England and established the town of Slatersville, Rhode Island. Francis Cabot Lowell and Power LoomsFrancis Cabot Lowell was an American businessman and the founder of the worlds first textile mill. Together with inventor Paul Moody, Lowell created a more efficient power loom and a spinning apparatus. Elias Howe and Sewing MachinesBefore the invention of the sewing machine, most sewing was done by individuals in their homes, however, many people offered services as tailors or seamstresses in small shops where wages were very low. One inventor was struggling to put into metal an idea to lighten the toil of those who lived by the needle. Ready-Made Clothing It was not until after the power-driven sewing machine was invented, that factory production of clothes and shoes on a large scale occurred. Before sewing machines, nearly all clothing was local and hand-sewn, there were tailors and seamstresses in most towns that could make individual items of clothing for customers. About 1831, George Opdyke (later Mayor of New York) began the small-scale manufacture of ready-made clothing, which he stocked and sold largely through a store in New Orleans. Opdyke was one of the first American merchants to do so. But it was not until after the power-driven sewing machine was invented, that factory production of clothes on a large scale occurred. Since then the clothing industry has grown. Ready-Made Shoes The Singer machine of 1851 was strong enough to sew leather and was adopted by shoemakers. These shoemakers were found chiefly in Massachusetts, and they had traditions reaching back at least to Philip Kertland, a famous shoemaker (circa 1636) who taught many apprentices. Even in the early days before machinery, division of labor was the rule in the shops of Massachusetts. One workman cut the leather, often tanned on the premises; another sewed the uppers together, while another sewed on the soles. Wooden pegs were invented in 1811 and came into common use about 1815 for the cheaper grades of shoes: Soon the practice of sending out the uppers to be done by women in their own homes became common. These women were wretchedly paid, and when the sewing machine came to do the work better than it could be done by hand, the practice of putting out work gradually declined. That variation of the sewing machine which was to do the more difficult work of sewing the sole to the upper was the invention of a mere boy, Lyman Blake. The first model, completed in 1858, was imperfect, but Lyman Blake was able to interest Gordon McKay, of Boston, and three years of patient experimentation and large expenditure followed. The McKay sole-sewing machine, which they produced, came into use, and for twenty-one years was used almost universally both in the United States and Great Britain. But this, like all the other useful inventions, was in time enlarged and greatly improved, and hundreds of other inventions have been made in the shoe industry. There are machines to split leather, to make the thickness absolutely uniform, to sew the uppers, to insert eyelets, to cut out heel tops, and many more. In fact, division of labor has been carried farther in the making of shoes than in most industries, for there about three hundred separate operations in making a pair of sh oes.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Batek of Malaysia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Batek of Malaysia - Research Paper Example Each of the groups has their own way of living, their own culture to follow, their own language and even unique modes of sustenance. But, as the urban development spreads its roots, the advancements in technologies and science have pushed the boundaries of these unique life styles and have merged most of the culture together, desperately done by the original people in order to sustain these tremors of modern life. Yet, the Bateks are still an exception to all these changing scenarios. They have gripped onto their culture and tradition and have sustained their living through their own traditional ways. The thesis, thus taken up here focuses on exploring the culture of Batek, identifying the unique characteristics of this tribal group of people and to divulge more about their way of living and sustenance. A background According to census taken in the year 1995, there are approximately 700 to 800 people of Batek, who are currently living. With the emergence of urbanization, the numbers may have been reduced more. During the years of 1970, the Bateks lived in the Malaysian states called as Kelantan and Pahang. Their physical appearance is similar to those tribes of Africa and hence former European researchers came to a conclusion that they are remnants of those African tribes. Their tribe name came from the Austronesian speakers who settled in those regions. Their basic language for communication is the Mon-Khmer language. Primary mode of sustenance The Bateks have their connections with the Hoabinhians, from 8000 BC. The Hoabinhians are basically foragers and hence foraging as a means of existence became one of the primary mode of subsistence for the Bateks. As years progressed, horticulture came into picture during 2000 BC. Later, the Batek started to trade with outsiders and it remained as one of important business aspect of the Bateks during the period between 6th and 13th centuries. Slavery crept into the tribe when Malays started invading the Bateks. With the government intervening, the Bateks were freed from slavery in 1920 and came under the direct supervision of them in 1954. (Endicott 1978) With the population dwindling and with the urban growth expediting at a rapid pace, the Bateks settled in the valleys and at the groundside of hills because, higher the altitude, difficult it becomes to forage. Irrespective of the fact that the Bateks have explored several numbers of options to gather food, foraging remains to be their primary and best option. The reason for such a trend is due to two reasons. Firstly, the advantages of foraging allowed them to gain access to food wherever they went as there was no permanent place of living for the Bateks. The second reason, actually being the source of the first reason, is that, foraging allowed them to maintain their life as well as integrity even in the most precarious situations they had faced during the time of immigration of the Malay people - when they started restricting the boundaries of the Bateks. Slavery and intrusion endangered the lives of the Bateks and always kept them on the move, thus denying them of harboring any notions of existence except foraging. (Endicott 1978) Impact on Social and Political Organization Although life among the Bateks is a closely knit one, individual, nuclear families form the basic building blocks of the entire
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Australian International History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Australian International History - Essay Example ts, Australia would still be under the umbrella of the empire and not completely control it's own foreign policy. In the words of B.R. Wise, "I certainly did not anticipate at the time (1888), that in such short a period of twelve years, the then prevalent indifference on the part of Great Britain and suspicion on ours would have given place to the mutual confidence which is now so significant of the relations between the two countries."[1] called "the crimson thread of kinship"[2] with the British, this basically meant that most Australians could trace their roots to the United Kingdom, be it England, Ireland or New Wales, however, in Australia, developed a mix of nationalism and imperialism. The militarizations of Europe posed many threats to Australia and slowly lead to the rise of Australian Nationalism and in time to the formation of a navy under the command of the Commonwealth government in 1909. These events mainly shaped the Australian foreign policy in the period of 1900-1914. According to Paul Kelly, the early commonwealth period saw the establishment of 'The Australian Settlement' comprising five planks: 1. White Australia 2. Industry Protection 3. Wage Arbitration 4. State Paternalism 5. Imperial Benevolences[3] It aimed to create an environment that would be a modified version of capitalism which would function under the already existing imperial machine. The empire was to be responsible to ensure that racial purity (the concept of White Australia) would be protected and enforced and also provide the Commonwealth with the markets and work force for it to establish its presence and develop its resources. However, this goal was easier set than achieved, for Japan allied with Britain in 1902 and even though the British Forces provided the main defences for Australia, [2]. Paul Kelly, The Elf Certainty: The Story of the 19805, Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards (NSW), 1992, pp. 1-2 [3]. Paul Kelly, The Elf Certainty: The Story of the 19805, Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards (NSW), 1992, pp. 1-2 Britain itself was being challenged by Germany in the northern hemisphere, which left it weak in the pacific and the Commonwealth government anticipated that it may be left dependent on Japan for its defence. This in itself proved to be a challenge to the concept of White Australia as this policy aimed to exclude coloured people from Australia and that included the Asians. Even in being dependent on solely the British Empire, the White Australia policy faced many challenges as the majority of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
In what ways did World War II end the problems of World War I Essay Example for Free
In what ways did World War II end the problems of World War I Essay In the days prior to World War Two, the First World War was referred to as â€Å"the War to end all Wars†. (Devine, 14) Despite this name, only twenty-odd years had passed before the nations of the world once again engaged in armed conflict. The treaty of Versailles and the conditions in Europe precipitated a second large-scale conflict in Europe. (Devine, 16) The conclusion of WWII ended the problems that derived from WWI by ending the Fascist dictatorships of Europe, ending European and Asian imperialism, and shifting military power out of Europe. The Treaty of Versailles created tremendous pressure on Germany, Austria-Hungary, and other nations who bore the blame for the conflict. (Morgan, 18) The economic depression in these nations that resulted from their attempts to pay reparations led to a political climate ripe for the rise of Fascism. (Morgan, 27) The people of nations such as Italy, Germany and Spain were willing to embrace this hyper-nationalist form of government, giving up their freedoms in exchange for the promise of better economic conditions and a return of their respective nations to international prominence. Morgan, 30) The rise of hyper-nationalism in Fascist Germany and Italy was one of the precipitating causes of the Second World War in Europe. Hitler’s Germany began to militarize and â€Å"reclaim†areas of Europe that Hitler declared to be part of the rightful German empire. (Morgan, 108) These regions included all of Austria, and part of the nation of Czechoslovakia, referred to by Hitler a s the Sudetenland (southland). When Germany invaded Poland to return the land to Germany, France and Britain declared war. The results of WWII ended the reign of fascism in Europe. ( Morgan, 117) The personalities around whom the fascist governments were built, Hitler in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy, were killed in the war effort, and their philosophies discredited when the atrocities they committed became public knowledge. (Morgan, 197) Of the Fascists of Europe, only Francisco Franco of Spain, which had remained neutral in the war, survived. (Morgan, 201) After WWII, Germany was divided into a Soviet-controlled Eastern half, and a Republican western half. Nationalist efforts were turned to reunification, rather than conquest. (Morgan, 203) The destruction of the German War machine was absolute, eliminating them as a future threat to stability in Europe. (Morgan, 205) Italy and Japan were similarly disarmed at the conclusion of WWII, making future threats to world stability from these powers unlikely in the extreme. (Morgan, 206) The end of WWII also marked the end of the naked Imperialism that characterized all the major European nations since WWI. Betts, 113) Britain, France, Germany, Japan and other nations granted independence, or protectorate status to their imperial holdings, making self-sovereignty the â€Å"new†goal of international foreign policy. (Betts, 127) Japan was forced to give up the Pacific Islands they had occupied, and withdraw their invasion of China. (Betts, 128) Germany similarly ceded their occupied territories and permitted free choice for the subsequent governments. Betts, 133) One of the world powers that emerged from WWII, the United States, embraced self-determination as the ideal for nations of the world, and began to fight against efforts to engage in imperialist activities on the parts of other nations. (Betts, 144) The conclusion of WWII marked a shift in the dynamic of world conflict. (Levering, 18) During WWI and WWII, dominance on the seas determined a large part of military control. After WWII, nations who had access to weapons of mass destruction became the powers of the World. Levering, 22) For the first time in modern history, the central conflict of the world was not between Britain and Germany or France, but between the United States and the Soviet Union. European powers became pawns in a worldwide power struggle between opposing ideologies. (Levering, 27) The United States used war reconstruction money as a lure to the nations of Europe to shun Communism in favor of republican government. (Levering, 34) After WWII, armed conflict was limited to third-party wars w here one side or the other effectively acted as a proxy for one of the Superpowers. Levering, 46) This was managed to avoid direct conflict between the Superpowers, which could have led to destruction of the entire world through nuclear annihilation. (Levering, 55) As a result, dozens of minor conflicts and a handful of major wars were fought after WWII by indigenous people with military and economic support from the USSR and the United States. (Levering, 58) This scenario played out in countries such as China, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba, Afghanistan, and many others. (Levering, 75) It is clear that the effects of WWII resolved many of the issues that resulted from WWI. WWII ended European Fascism, eliminated European and Asian imperialism, and permanently shifted the balance of World Power away from Europe. The Treaty of Versailles produced conditions in Europe that made Fascism an attractive and popular option, which played a great role in precipitating WWII. As a result of the unresolved issues of WWI, WWII became the latest â€Å"war to end all wars†. It is hoped by the nations of the world that conflict on the scale of WWII never be repeated in the history of mankind.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Origin of Dreams Essay -- Sleep Sleeping Psychology Papers
The Origin of Dreams It is late and you are tired. You slide between the soft sheets and tug on the comforter until it reaches your chin. Your head sinks gratefully into the pillow, the smooth folds of pillowcase caressing your cheek. Your heavy eyelids fall closed. Slowly, all the muscles in your body relax. Your body is comfortable and ready for sleep, but your mind remains active. You think over the day’s events, the funny moments, the people you saw, the things you forgot to do. You think about what you will do tomorrow and the next day and next month and so on. Your breathing deepens and your heart rate slows. You realize you are no longer directing the pattern of your thoughts: they are moving off on a path of their own. But you are too tired to care. You drift to the edge of the world of sleep. After about 90 minutes of peaceful inactivity, your brain becomes extremely alert, but you do not awaken. You have entered the period of sleep know as Rapid Eye Movement, where dreams most often occu r. Random, disconnected scenes unfold before you like images on a movie screen. You see your parents waving to you from across a crowded room. You are transported to a large, sunlit meadow, where you are playing with a kitten, your first childhood pet. You can hear the kitten’s quiet purring, and you are filled with sensations of happiness and tranquility. Then you see your own body floating high above the ground, propelling itself effortlessly. You don’t understand these feelings and images, but they all seem to make perfect sense, and you don’t question them. Upon waking, recollection of the previous night’s journey will seem hazy and clouded, if you can remember it at all. This series of events occurs every night i... ...Dreams† Accessed 11/24/02 â€Å"dream†Encyclopedia Britannica Accessed 11/24/02 Eccles, John ed. Mind and Brain Washington: Paragon House, 1982 "electroencephalography" Encyclopedia Britannica Accessed 12/4/02. Foulkes, David. Dreaming: A Cognitive-Psychological Analysis Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1985 Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 1998 â€Å"mind†Encyclopedia Britannica Accessed 12/5/02 Pfenninger, Karl H. and Valerie R. Shubik The Origins of Creativity Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001 â€Å"sleep†Encyclopedia Britannica Accessed 11/24/02
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Significance and symbolisn
The Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature (Palanca Awards) was established in 1950. The heirs of Don Carlos Palanca, Sr. found it most fitting to commemorate his memory through an endeavor that would promote education and culture in the country. The Palanca Awards aims to help develop Philippine Literature by: 1. Providing incentives for writers to craft their most outstanding literary works. 2. Being a treasury of the Philippine's literary gems from our gifted writers and to assist in its eventual dissemination to our people, particularly the students.62 years ago, the Palanca Awards called on Filipino fictionists to weave their best short story in either English or Filipino. Today, the Awards continues to challenge writers to pour out their creativity in various literary genres. Instituted in 1995, the Palanca Hall of Fame award is presented to a Palanca awardee who has achieved the distinction of winning five first prizes in the regular categories. TheKabataan Award of Dis tinction gives recognition to a Palanca awardee who wins four first prizes in this division.The Palanca Awards continues to pursue avenues that help share these literary gems with the rest of the countrymen, to whom Filipino literature ultimately belongs. These winning works are continuously made accessible to students, and all researchers and lovers of literature through the Carlos Palanca Foundation (CPF) library. Adding dimension to the Palanca Awards mission of encouraging excellence in literary writing, CPF is supporting a scholarship program for creative writing.The Foundation also seeks to foster the unbounded imagination and creative spirit of the Filipino through creative writing workshops and readings of award-winning works. Born from a simple dream made 62 years ago to help develop Philippine literature, the foundation holds steadfast to its mission of providing nourishment for the national spirit. †¢Is not a secret that many Filipinos are unfamiliar with Philippine literature especially those written long before the Spanish arrived in our country. This is due to the fact that the stories of ancient time were not written, but rather passed on from generation to generation through word of mouth.Only in 1521 did the Filipinos become to be acquainted with literature due to the influence of the Spaniards on us. But the literature that the Filipinos became acquainted with are not Filipino made, rather, they were works of Spanish authors. †¢The rise of nationalistic pride in the 1960s and 1970s also helped bring about this change of attitude among a new breed of Filipinos concerned about the â€Å"Filipino identity. ††¢ The 1960’s were, summarily, a period when writers seriously grappled with problems of art.The early 1970’s saw a proliferation of politically motivated or committed writing and protest literature. Short-story writers became more conscious of the political milieu and of social issues in the wake of the i ncreased activism all over the world and right in their country, especially during the troubled days of a dictatorial government. Some of the more recent fiction writers include Paulino Lim, Alfred Yuson, Jose Dalisay, Mario Eric Gamalinda, and Cristina P. Hidalgo. Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, the country's most prestigious and longest-running literary contest.The Palanca Awards or Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature are literary awards of the Philippines. The Manila Standard called it the â€Å"Pulitzer Prize†of the Philippines. [1] It is one of the Philippines' most long-running award giving bodies. [2] History[edit] The Palanca Awards was established in 1950 to inspire Filipino writers to improve their literary works. [3] In the 1960s the Palanca Awards Committee started to fund the publication of Palanca plays and production fund were committed on 1975. [4] In 2009, it added a category for Poetry for children in both Filipino and English.[ 2] Winning is tough, and for many writers, it goes beyond the cash prize. Winning means a validation of their work, and for some, it means a step toward joining the ranks of the country’s literati. It was to honor the legacy of Don Carlos Palanca, Sr. that the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature was established in 1950 and the first award was given in 1951. Through this annual literary contest, the family and heirs of Carlos Palanca sought to keep his name alive, along with his legacy of discipline and perseverance, and to enrich the nation's cultural heritage.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Disruptive Behaviors
Research/Literature Review Disruptive and Violent Behaviors in the Classroom: Where do we begin to solve the problem? According to Random House Dictionary (1992), discipline is defined as â€Å"behavior in accord with rules of conduct. †It is an essential part of classroom management. Discipline in the classroom enables a teacher to focus on the task at hand, which is education our children. It also keeps a classroom or school in order and created a safer environment in which to learn. Disruptive behaviors in the classroom affect not only the student involved but also the teacher and other students. For example, if a student exhibits disruptive behavior as a means of gaining attention by throwing paper or talking during class, he or she takes the teacher off task to address his or her behavior. This also causes the other students to become off task. The disruptive student becomes satisfied because the attention rewards his/her negative behavior. These kinds of minor incidents, if rewarded, could lead to other forms of disruptions, which, if not controlled, could become aggressive and or violent situations. Take for instance the six-year old boy who shot and killed another six-year old classmate after a playground dispute in Mount Morris Township, MI on February 9, 2000 (Bonilla, 2000). If elementary school educators think the problem of crime, violence and aggression in youth will not affect them, then they must reconsider. This example has proven that the perpetrator is likely to be of any age, even as young as six-years old. As a teacher, one of my concerns is classroom management. In particular, I want to be well informed on the disruptive behavior of children, recognizing its causes and implementing a form of discipline that will not only stop the disruption and keep the students on task but also prevent it from occurring regularly. I believe being knowledgeable of the causes will enable us as educators to develop strategies to control and prevent these behaviors from occurring in the future, thus, keeping our students on task, as well as, making our schools a safer place to learn. This paper is organized in a three-fold manner, including research on the following focus areas: (1) overview of aggressive and disruptive behaviors and violence in schools; (2) possible causes and consequences for aggressive and disruptive behaviors; (3) strategies for assessment, intervention and prevention. Definitions/Overview of Concepts How do we begin to derive a solution to the problem of violence in our schools? It only seems appropriate to first define aggression and violence. Jan Jewett (1992), the author of Aggression and Cooperation: Helping Young Children Develop Constructive Strategies, defines aggression as â€Å"any intentional behavior that results in physical or mental injury to any person or animal, or in damage to or destruction of property. According to researcher Lorraine Wallach (1996), violence and aggression are often confused and are used interchangeably to mean the same thing. In fact, she states that aggression is inborn while violence is learned. Aggression provides the force that can cause violent behavior to erupt if it is not handled properly. Wallach’s definition of violence is very similar to Jewett’s definition of aggression. Wallach (1996) states, â€Å"violence means using force to hurt, violate or abuse persons or destroy property. †In their study, Kamps, Kravits, Stolze and Swaggart (1999) define aggression as, â€Å"purposeful physical contact intended to harm a peer or that could be harmful with force†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Basically this definition is synonymous with that of Jewett and Wallach. For the purpose of this paper, aggression is defined by using a variation of the above mentioned definitions as the force that causes disruptive and sometimes violent behaviors to flare. Violent behaviors are defined as intentional behaviors meant to hurt, violate or cause damage to any person or property as a result of aggression. Violence in Schools Rossman and Morley (1996) found that violence and crime in schools have been around for decades but the nature of the behaviors has changed. They found that forty years ago teachers were reporting the most common classroom problems to be tardiness, talkative students and gum chewing. The present-day grievances have changed dramatically. They include the presence of drugs, gangs, weapons, as well as concerns about verbal assaults, bullying, physical attack, robbery and rape (Rossman & Morley, 1996). In their synthesis of research, Rossman & Morley (1996) presented a 1993 Nationwide school-based survey by the Centers for Disease Control which reported the following results: 1. 4. 4% of 9th &12th graders missed at least one day of school because they felt unsafe on school grounds 2. 11. 8% reported carrying a weapon to school 3. 7. 3% of these students reported having been threatened or injured with a weapon on school property 4. 6. 2% reported having been involved in at least one physical fight at school 5. 32. 7% reported having property deliberately damaged or stolen while at school Much of the research presented in Rossman & Morley’s article was conducted on adolescents and teenagers. Elementary educators should be aware of this research because they encounter these children before they become â€Å"problem children†. Elementary teachers have a great impact on the behavior of their students, especially as they become adolescents. For this reason, it is important for teachers to monitor the current research in order to prevent possible violent outbreaks among these children. A survey on the opinions of teachers, reported by the National Center for Education Statistics, revealed that teacher’s opinions on the safety of public schools are not good. This survey, conducted from 1987-88 to 1993-94, noted that elementary school teachers are reporting â€Å"physical conflicts as a moderate to serious problems†(Rossi & Daugherty, 1996). Possible Causes and Consequences of Disruptive/Aggressive Behaviors According to child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Baer Max Ackerman (1998), there is no single pre-determining factor that causes aggressive behavior in children. Nature and Nurture interact to make up a child’s personality. This section of this paper will focus on both, internal and external factors that may cause aggressive and violent behaviors in children. Internal Factors Rossman and Morley (1996) give several internal and external causes for crime and violence in children. The biological factors or stressors include fetal alcohol syndrome, or crack babies. The factors impair the individuals’ abilities to exercise cognitive controls or engage in stable social relationships. This idea is also supported by Lorraine Wallach (1996), she states, â€Å"†¦brain research links early deprivation and abuse with physiological changes†¦which can be neurological or chemical may make the afflicted individuals susceptible to violent and addictive behavior†. Other research (Massey, 1998) indicates the consequences of violence in the early years include shaken baby syndrome which can cause, â€Å"†¦brain damage, blindness, cerebral palsy, hearing loss, spinal cord injury, seizures, learning disabilities and even death†(Massey, 1998). External Factors A study conducted by Stormshak and Bierman (2000) was designed to determine whether five distinct parenting practices could be related to various profiles of disruptive behavior problems in their children. The study included 631 kindergartners and their parents; they were from four areas of the United States, Durham, NC; Nashville, TN; Seattle, WA; and Central PA. The researchers (Stormshak and Bierman, 2000) collected their data through parenting interviews on reports of child behavior problems. A factor analysis was then conducted. The results of this study indicated that there is an association between parental physical aggression and aggressive child behavior. This finding suggests that spanking, physical aggression and violent forms of parenting are related to â€Å"active, aggressive, externalizing behaviors†(Stormshak & Bierman, 2000). A limitation in research, according to the researchers, was their reliance solely on parent reports for the child’s behavior problems, as well as of parenting practices. The responses of the parents may have reflected what they believed to be acceptable parenting styles. Other researchers Nelson, Martella & Galand, (1998) have found that parents that are unskilled in their use of punishment for their children’s disruptive behavior, and this only make things worse. Research (Aidman, 2000) done over the past forty years concludes that violence on television programs has negative effects on young viewers. Children learn to use the aggressive behavior they witness to benefit themselves. The learning of aggressive behavior has been forecasted to increase when the violence witnessed is justified, graphic, extensive or realistic, when the perpetrator is attractive, conventional weapons are present and when the violence is rewarded or presented in a humorous fashion. Aidman (2000) also suggests in her article that when children are repeatedly exposed to aggressive acts and violence, they become desensitized to its harmful and realistic consequences. The long-term effects of desensitization of violence have been of special concern for parents and educators of young children. Consequences of violence on children who witness violence include low self-esteem, withdrawal, nightmares, self-blame and aggression/violence towards peers and family members (Massey, 1998). Bullock, Fitzsimons, and Gable (1996) note, Factors that contribute to an increased likelihood of aggressive behavior include not only the child’s temperament and parent’s child-rearing and discipline practices, but also exposure to medial and real life violence- such as, spousal abuse/victimization, severe parental depression, chronic economic hardship, unemployment and family criminality. The external factors associated with crime and violence in children offered by Rossman and Morley (1996) are as follow: 1. Unsatisfactory family environment/relationships: poor parenting skills and child rearing conditions, insufficient nurturing and pro-social bonding, lack of parental supervision, ineffective or harsh discipline or repeated abuse 2. Limited opportunity routes attributed to social inequalities: these minimize youths’ exposure to pro-social role models and diminish youths’ ability to envision productive, secure futures 3. School factors that are conducive to disorder, crime and violence: –Overcrowding -High student/teacher ratio –Insufficient curricular/course relevance –Low student academic achievement and apathy Another study suggest the aggression in children emerges from being rejected by peers (Mounts, 1997). It is important for young children to have good peer relationships. Friendships and good peer relationships provide the following, according to Dr. Mounts: (1) companionship and support in stressful times such as divorce; (2) a source of fun and recreational activities; (3) loyal allies during tough interactions; (4) confidants and holders of secrets. This may allow a child to release tension and aggressive energy by talking to someone his or her own age. Peer relationships provide critical opportunities and outlets for children to learn to manage conflicts in their lives. According to research by Dr. Mounts (1997), children of single-parent homes, or homes where both parents work spend greater amounts of time in the company of peers. The following characteristics of peer-rejected children were cited in her research: (1) display high levels of verbally and physically aggressive behavior towards peers; (2) are disruptive; (3) frequently are off task in the classroom. These characteristics represent children who cause disruption and are a source of discipline problems in the classroom. Dr. Mounts (1997) found that 1/3 of all peer-rejected children were seen as highly aggressive. Forty-eight percent of rejected 6th graders were interested in receiving help in improving their peer relationships. Other research presented by Kamps, Kravits, Stolze and Swaggart (1999) supports this relationship; they report that early trends of antisocial behavior are later predicted to result in aggressive behavior. A study by Edmondson and Bullock (1998) was conducted using the method of focus group. It involved five elementary-school-aged boys, 3 Hispanic, 1 Asian American and 1 African-American students from grades 4 and 5 of an inner-city elementary alternative center. The study focus was on determining these students’ thoughts, feelings and perceptions on the topic of aggression and violence in schools. The researchers believed that students from this kind of setting could, â€Å"†¦provide educators with valuable information regarding youth who display aggressive and violent behavior†(p. 35). Results of this study (Edmondson & Bullock, 1998) suggest that the behavior and thought patterns of young people are affected by their social skills. These subjects appeared hopeful about resolving aggressive and violent behaviors in schools (Edmondson and Bullock, 1998). This article identifies possible causes of aggression in youth to be linked to societal influences. Violence and aggression can also have adverse effects on learning, according to Massey (1998). She states, â€Å"academic achievement enhances the development of positive self-esteem and self-efficacy†¦which are necessary for children to experience emotional well-being and to achieve success†(p. 3). Strategies for Assessment, Intervention & Prevention There is a wealth of information regarding intervention and prevention of aggression and violence in students. While conducting the research for this topic, I came across several articles and studies. Unfortunately, only a fraction of what is available to educators, parents and the interested public will be presented in this paper. Assessment Strategies Three elementary-aged boys in regular education classrooms, identified with extremely disruptive in-school behavior were included in a study by Ellis and Magee (1999) to assess activities of the Behavioral Assessment and Technology Support Systems (BATSS). The BATSS conducts functional analysis of very disruptive behavior in children labeled severely emotionally and behaviorally disordered. The subjects included a 10 year-old with ADHD, another 10 year-old with Pervasive Developmental Disorder and a 6 year-old with mild autism from two suburban school districts. The researchers (Ellis and Magee, 1999) gathered data from observation conducted by the observation team for 10 days during regular classrooms, special area classes, recess and lunch. According to Ellis and Magee (1999), †¦The goal of functional analysis is not to find the one true approach but to find the most appropriate strategy that will provide the most information and that will ultimately result in an effective intervention that can be implemented by the relevant personnel in a particular setting. (p. 6). Functional analysis assessment was used in the beginning on maladaptive behaviors, such as STB (self-injurious behavior), occurring with persons living in housing for those with developmental disabilities (Ellis and Magee, 1999). When this method of assessment was moved into natural settings, research was primarily conducted on persons with mental retardation. Functional analysis were rarely conducted in school settings. â€Å"Replicating the functional analysis in regular education class after analyzing the behavior†¦helps explain how the circumstances of a classroom routines modulate the effects of a procedure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p. 93). In this replication of a BATSS study, †¦results suggest that validating each functional analysis outcome in the student’s classroom, with the teacher conducting the analysis, provides direct opportunity for the classroom teacher to observe the effects of directly applied behavioral contingencies on the students targeted behavior. (p. 1 8) This study provides evidence that when the results of a functional analysis produces changes in disruptive or inappropriate behavior, functional analysis can become institutionalized (Ellis and Magee, 1999). Another study by Scott, DeSimone, Fowler and Webb (2000) consisted of three male elementary-aged students whose behavior interfered with the quantity and quality of their classroom instruction. The researchers evaluated functional behavior assessment to develop interventions for disruptive behaviors. They state that in the past, teachers relied upon disapproval, punishment and exclusion as a means of eliminating disruptive classroom behavior. According to research (Scott et al. , 2000), these types of interventions are ineffective. Functional behavior assessment can be applied as a validated procedure for intervention with disruptive students. This involves â€Å"†¦identifying the purpose or function of student behavior followed by teaching and reinforcing more desirable replacement behaviors that are selected to serve the same function for the student. †Information obtained from the assessment can be used to define appropriate replacement behaviors, as well as, develop intervention strategies. Findings from this study show the importance of having a pre-planned intervention (Scott et al. , 2000). Prevention/Intervention Strategies Kamps, Kravits, Stolze and Swaggart (1999) cited several studies in which the researchers found that without intervention, antisocial behaviors beginning at an early age are predicted to develop into learning difficulties. Kamps et al. (1999) conducted a study on a total of 52 (28-target group and 24-control group) elementary and middle school students at risk for EBD (emotional and behavioral disorders) from urban schools. The researchers’ goal in this study was to investigate a â€Å"universal intervention†prevention program. The intervention consisted of behavioral management programs, social skills instruction and peer tutoring in reading. The researchers (Kamps et al. , 1999) found that student performance across several key behaviors in the target group improved the prevention program. This group also showed a decrease in aggression. They state, â€Å"†¦early interventions, such as programs for elementary-age students, may prevent further deterioration of behaviors and stop a negative trajectory toward academic and social failure. Overall, this study contributed to support the use of preventative programs for at-risk students and students with EBD in elementary schools (Kamp et al. , 1999). The results from this study may be applied to all students. Lorraine Wallach (1996) offers alternative suggestions to preventing aggression and violence among children. Her ideas are formed around the schools and centers that educate and care for young children. These include: 1. Schools should provide teache rs who exhibit warmth and kindness and are willing to make an investment in the children they educate 2. Teachers must show respect to children and their efforts to be independent 3. Schools should provide for young children an environment that is easily managed and orderly 4. Programs that are interesting, challenging and fun should be provided by the schools; these types of programs â€Å"provide an outlet for the aggressive energy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ as well as build self-confidence and self-esteem 5. Schools should offer many opportunities for self-expression; this gives children a chance to reveal their feelings,
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Career Aptitude Test Find a Job That is the Best Fit for Your Personality
Career Aptitude Test Find a Job That is the Best Fit for Your Personality If you’re the type of person who always knew what career you wanted to go into, and are astoundingly happy and secure in your career path, then you, my friend, are doing great. If you’re not sure you’ve made the right career choices, or are feeling increasingly restless in your job, then you, my other friend, are in good company. Maybe you picked something that interested you right out of school, but have come to find that you’re no longer so keen on the field. Maybe you picked your job or career because you thought it would be totally different. Whatever the case, you don’t have to make your decisions (stay or go? What do I want to do?) blindly. There are a variety of tools available that measure your strengths and weaknesses such as career aptitude tests. You’re welcome to find a zen place (beach, shady tree, lonely desert) and think hard about what you want to do with your career. But if you’re like the rest of us, you might need a little additional help to make the best choice. Chances are, you know yourself pretty well- but there are tools that can help you figure out if your personality and approach are a good fit for your career path. And if not, where your strengths might lead you.Why Personality Matters in Your CareerIn the career world, data matters. Your skills matter. Your experience matters. Your references matter. What can get lost in this process sometimes is the real, complete you. Defining your professional qualities and actions on paper is pretty easy (wrangling them into bullet points and concrete examples, slightly less so). What doesn’t necessarily come across in your resume is your personality, the sum total of your experience, outlook on life, sense of humor, values, and priorities. You may have more of a chance to show other sides of yourself in an interview, but it’s still a very limited, controlled environment.Figuring out your personality and work style is more of a person al thing. The better you know yourself and how you react to situations, the more likely you are to seek out jobs and careers that match up with that. It’s like trying on pants. You can like what you see on the rack, and assume that because they’re your size, they’ll be fine. And maybe they will, but if you don’t try them on first, or you run the risk of being happy with said pants when you get them home. On the other hand, if you know the brand of pants well, like the style, and confirm they’ll look good on you before you buy, then you’ll probably be pretty happy with your pants. Career happiness is probably more important to you long-term than pants happiness, so it makes sense that you’d want to apply at least as much care to your career choices as well.Personality also matters to your daily work life, even beyond the choice of a job. It’s a major factor in your success and satisfaction on the job. Are you a leader or more of a platoon member? Can you overcome major differences with colleagues or bosses to get things done? Are you a lone wolf that prefers hunkering down and getting things done over working with a team on a project? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you prefer look at the big picture, or are the small details all you can see?It’s important to understand how you interact at work, and what your comfort zones are. It can be good to push those comfort zones a little for the sake of personal and professional growth, but it’s best to be reasonable about it. If you’re an introvert, a job where you have the spotlight on you just might not be very satisfying in the long term. You can change jobs, but changing your personality is just not very feasible.For more on personality and your career, check out this video: [via OTM Education]So how do we figure out this baseline personality, and start making smarter career decisions? To the internet!How to Figure Out Your PathTh e online world isn’t just good for helping you figure out which Game of Thrones character you would be†¦it also has more serious quizzes that you can use to help you figure out what your own real-life character is (you’ll still have plenty of time later to figure out whether you’re a Lannister or a Stark).Online quizzes and surveys that go beyond Facebook memes can help you really drill down into your character and personality, and figure out where to go from there.Let’s look at some of the top personality/career quizzes and assessments.The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)The MBTI is a general personality assessment that is used broadly by professionals when it comes to evaluating new hires or potential candidates. It assesses personal preferences, like motivation, how you process information, how you view the world, etc. The official test is $49.95, but there are also free versions kicking around as well.How to apply it to your career: Sites like this one have already done some of the leg work in figuring out what types of jobs match your Myers-Briggs personality type.TruityTruity builds on the Myers-Briggs type, and offers a TypeFinder assessment that also identifies your personal strengths.How to apply it to your career: Truity recommends different job types based on your TypeFinder results. The official TypeFinder Personality test costs $29, but smaller subtests (including one to figure out your temperament) are free.PymetricsPymetrics uses games to help gauge your personality, strength, and weaknesses, and match you up with careers and companies looking for your type. It’s not your average personality quiz- the interactive mind games make it feel more like you’re taking a break than taking a test. It’s free to sign up and start playing the games.How to apply it to your career: The site features a matchmaking-type option that lets you find companies that would fit well with your personality. Itâ€℠¢s non-binding, but it can give you more information about the kinds of roles that might suit you.The Johnson-O’Connor Career Aptitude TestThis one is a bit of a flashback to those aptitude tests you took in high school, which you then had to discuss with your guidance counselor in a meeting about Your Future. It’s a pretty straightforward paper-and-pencil test that you can download and take. Also, this test is hosted on Oprah’s website, and as far as careers go, Ms. Winfrey and her media empire are a pretty solid success story, wouldn’t you say?How to apply it to your career: The results on each individual test (there are five overall) show your strengths, and recommend general careers based on those strengths.The MAPP Career Assessment TestThis assessment is free to try, but costs $89.95 to get full results and reports. It’s a 15-minute test where you choose one statement out of sets of three, and is billed by MAPP as the â€Å"most comprehensiv e online career test.†How to apply it to your career: Upon completion of the test, the site promises to match you to five different careers based on the results. This can help point you in a particular direction (or away from another).The O*Net Interest ProfilerThis one is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, and is more career-interest-oriented than personality-oriented.How to apply it to your career: Based on your results, you can search the Department of Labor’s database for more information on your recommended career paths. You can also search based on experience, education, etc., meaning you can find jobs that will be a good fit for you based on where you are right now.What Happens Once You Know Your Personality?Once you’ve got a better sense of what your personality type is, you can start drilling down into what that means for your actual career. The intersection of personality and career is a pretty hot one right now, and there’s a growing num ber of resources devoted to matching your job to your personality type. Many of the test sites above have direct resources for searching for jobs that match you (rather than the other way around), but you can also just start looking up categories of jobs. [via Business Insider]You should also start looking at job descriptions for key words. If your strengths lie in teamwork, look for positions that call for collaboration. If you’re still not sure what kind of job would be best for you, dive into a job search site like Indeed or Monster and start reading through different types of job descriptions, even if you’re not immediately interested in the job itself. Remember: in this exercise, the more information you have, the better.Personality insight is also helpful for things like networking. Knowing whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert can help you find ways to approach new contacts in a way that suits your style (meet for coffee or email back and forth?).Al so, personality tests aren’t just for people looking to jump ship to another job- knowing your strengths and comfort zones can help you modify your current job to be more comfortable. You can take this info and have a conversation with your boss about how to work more efficiently based on your personality, or how to re-prioritize in order to meet your goals better.Your long-term career happiness depends on a lot of things (job, salary, benefits, coworkers and bosses), but the most important thing is you. And the more info you have about yourself and your needs, the better prepared you’ll be to meet your goals and be satisfied with your career.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Writing Topics for an Essay Developed With Analogies
Writing Topics for an Essay Developed With Analogies An analogy is a kind of comparison that explains the unknown in terms of the known, the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar. A good analogy can help your readers understand a complicated subject or view a common experience in a new way. Analogies can be used with other methods of development to explain a process, define a concept, narrate an event, or describe a person or place. Analogy isnt a single form of writing. Rather, its a tool for thinking about a subject, as these brief examples demonstrate: Do you ever feel that getting up in the morning is like pulling yourself out of quicksand? . . .(Jean Betschart, In Control, 2001)Sailing a ship through a storm is . . . a good analogy for the conditions inside an organization during turbulent times, since not only will there be the external turbulence to deal with, but internal turbulence as well . . ..(Peter Lorange, Leading in Turbulent Times, 2010)For some people, reading a good book is like a Calgon bubble bathit takes you away. . . .(Kris Carr, Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor, 2008)Ants are so much like human beings as to be an embarrassment. They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies into wars, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves. . . .(Lewis Thomas, On Societies as Organisms, 1971)To me, patching up a heart thatd had an attack was like changing out bald tires. They were worn and tired, just like an attack made the heart, but you couldnt just switch out one heart for another. . . .(C. E. Murphy, Coyote Dreams, 2007) Falling in love is like waking up with a coldor more fittingly, like waking up with a fever. . . .(William B. Irvine, On Desire, 2006) British author Dorothy Sayers observed that analogous thinking is a key aspect of the writing process. A composition professor explains: Analogy illustrates easily and to almost everyone how an event can become an experience through the adoption of what Miss [Dorothy] Sayers called an as if attitude. That is, by arbitrarily looking at an event in several different ways, as if if it were this sort of thing, a student can actually experience transformation from the inside. . . . The analogy functions both as a focus and a catalyst for conversion of event into experience. It also provides, in some instances not merely the To discover original analogies that can be explored in a paragraph, essay, or speech, apply the as if attitude to any one of the 30 topics listed below. In each case, ask yourself, What is it like? Thirty Topic Suggestions: Analogy Working at a fast-food restaurantMoving to a new neighborhoodStarting a new jobQuitting a jobWatching an exciting movieReading a good bookGoing into debtGetting out of debtLosing a close friendLeaving home for the first timeTaking a difficult examMaking a speechLearning a new skillGaining a new friendResponding to bad newsResponding to good newsAttending a new place of worshipDealing with successDealing with failureBeing in a car accidentFalling in loveGetting marriedFalling out of loveExperiencing griefExperiencing joyOvercoming an addiction to drugsWatching a friend destroy himself (or herself)Getting up in the morningResisting peer pressureDiscovering a major in college
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Interaction Design Coursework on a Check it Out system Essay
Interaction Design Coursework on a Check it Out system - Essay Example Participant observation is an ethnographic method which consists of observing user environment from the user perspective. It’s a natural starting point for a user-centred design process. Initial observation of a Home Hardware superstore indicated that the advantage of the superstores is also its weakness; the size of the store make product location difficult and physically demanding exercise especially for those customers with trolleys laden with others products. Product use or compatibility is not easy to understand for the inexperienced DIY customer, uninitiated in the jargon on the product packages. More shop floor staff would easily remedy the situation but they are few and far between and overworked. The check-out lines are and time consuming either because they are long or some customers buy products in bulk that require measuring different lengths, sizes and weights. After observations, the researcher decided to conduct an ethnographic study of stratified but randomly selected customers of the Home Hardware superstore. The research instrument selected was the questionnaire which combined quantitative and qualitative methods of research i.e. closed ended and open- ended questions. The two methods complement each other (Neuman, 1997), in that it improves the objectivity of the findings and improves the analysis. The initial participant observations established that they are three parameters necessary in designing user-centred solutions to the problems observed. There are three questionnaires each is divided into two parts; scaled closed-ended questions and opened-ended questions. The first questionnaire was to investigate the in-store experience of customers before and during check out. The objective was to elicit perceptions on how store size affects ease of navigation, speed of product location, and advisability of the product. Focus was on floor
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Graphic Design of the 20 th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Graphic Design of the 20 th Century - Essay Example By medieval times, the symbols within the great churches communicated meaning to the largely illiterate citizenry regarding their religion and the lessons to be learned from the Bible. It was graphics rather than words that typically called attention to a place of business within the towns and villages with names such as the â€Å"Boar’s Head†saloon and the â€Å"Red Lion†Inn. This use of symbols to provide a quick and easy message to customers can still be seen in use today, although now refined in keeping with its more sophisticated audience, as company logos. For most who study the development of graphic design, though, the typical starting point begins with the Arts and Crafts Movement of the 1860s and the Art Nouveau movement of the 1890s. To get a feel for the evolution of graphic communication, one must therefore trace the movements, events, people, places and technological innovations that have influenced its development. The start of the Arts and Crafts Movement is generally attributed to William Morris in response to the ever-encroaching identical sameness of the machine-made objects churned out during the Industrial Revolution. â€Å"Not only art but also everyday objects, buildings, dà ©cor, everything lacked a face, and it was the realization of its lack in this particular respect which began to make the period so cruelly conscious of its anonymity†(Cassau, 19). In everything they did, crafters working under its influence placed value in art created by hand for limited edition prints such as the highly scrolled first page of â€Å"The Nature of Gothic,†designed and printed by William Morris. This movement naturally evolved into the Art Nouveau movement of the 1880s and 1890s. Rather than repeatedly reinventing the ideals of their ancestors, these crafters wanted to develop a new style, one that emphasized ornament and the curving, flowing lines of nature. Using
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Comparing and contrasting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Comparing and contrasting - Essay Example The appellant was not accountable to his clients within a reasonable time in that he did not make the necessary payments to his clients and other practitioners within a reasonable time. There was also failure to reflect all financial transactions in the books of accounts and delay with the payments of trust money to clients after due demand without any lawful reason. The orders of the court in this case were that the striking the appellants name off the role of attorney was substituted and instead the appellant was suspended from practicing for one year. He was also not found guilty of unprofessional, dishonorable or unworthy conduct by the court. In the Davey case, the Law society brought against Meumann White a number of complaints before the court that include; touting for work and are thereby engaging in conduct which is likely to attract business unfairly. By securing work through conferring benefits upon estate agents in order to induce them to channel work for Meumann White they were guilty of conduct which impairs their independence by creating conflicts of interest which is explicitly prohibited by the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act. MW’s extensive expenditure is directed at securing instructions for the firm this is the premeditated and disguised scheme to â€Å"buy work†in order to derived significant direct financial benefit as a result. The court gave its judgment ad concluded that in all the circumstances of the case brought by the law society that MW has not been guilty of any wrongdoing. The court laid down a test for permissible advertising which is of the nature that is calculated to attract business unfairly and this is the only restraint placed on the entitlement of an attorney to advertise. They are both applications by the society concerned for the attorneys to be struck off the roll of attorneys or they be suspended from practice by the
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